Many of these are external links so you'll be leaving this site.
Bookmark it before you go! Regarding any commercial services, let me add
that this is not an endorsement. The listings just to let you know what
is available.
Jack's Irish links
Jack's begin page my own beginner's advice; includes lots of good links
Fianna lots of good stuff including surname lists,
links, and Irish information; over 200 pages of info
Irish Genealogical Society, International
lots of links and general information.
Cyndi's List
her page on Ireland - a good source on what is out there
if you haven't registered your surnames here, you probably should
AccessGenealogy (Ireland)
collection of links to start you off
Otherdays Genealogy Ireland
Dalcassian Sept Clans and Family
GenUKI - Ireland their Ireland page. GenUKI has plenty of information for anyone searching in Ireland or Great Britain.
- Ireland GenWeb/WGW
a part of the World Genealogy Web project
- CMC Record Project CMC stands for christening, marriage, and cemetery records. This project allows you to contribute a record to share or to look at the records others have contributed. Site uses Java so it may not work with some older browsers or if you have Java disabled.
- Ireland Genealogical Projects
- CMC Record Project CMC stands for christening, marriage, and cemetery records. This project headed up by Tom Cleary allows you to contribute a record to share or to look at the records others have contributed. Site uses Java so it may not work with some older browsers or if you have Java disabled.
Irish Ancestors
from the Irish Times; a wealth of information
a townland database
- Tracing Irish Roots (Ireland's Eye)
National Library of Ireland
National Archives of Ireland Lots of stuff here including links to the
transportation records which document many shipped from Ireland to Australia.
The David Rumsey Collection a wonderful collection of digitalized maps that you should be able to view on your computer. The nice thing is that although the map you see at first may not seem to have the resolution you need, you can zoom in on any area. I've linked to the main page and from there just choose to view, search on Ireland, select the map you want, and zoom in on the area of interest.
The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA)
- I have an Amazon-associated bookstore. I have direct links for many genealogy books and other books I just like. Also you can search the Amazon (US) store. And Amazon is more than just a bookstore.
- Dunbrody "Spirit of Ireland" The JFK Trust with with the Ellis Island Restoration Commission and the
Balch Institute for Immigration Research in Philadelphia, have
been building a comprehensive database of all Irish immigration into the US from 1845 onwards. They are also recreating the "Dunbrody", a ship which brought emigrants from Ireland to North America.
Tithe Defaulters lists of 1831 read about this overlooked
resource; lists on microfiche by county;
1 fiche covers 851 LIM names
NYC Cemetery Research & Photography
Ancestors from NY? Jim will check out that New York
City cemetery for you
and even take a picture - click for details
Your Irish Roots: Irish Genealogy, Irish Surname & Irish Coat of
Arms Irish Genealogy research- Irish surname history and Irish
Coat of Arms,Ancestor Reports, plus information on tracing your Irish
Irish interest (general info, travel, gifts, etc) many with genealogy links

To Jack's homepage (site outline)