" There's Longings in the Sea"

There's longings in the seas and mountains grey,
There's longings too in silence and in song,
In murn'ring waters on their endless way.,
At sunset hours and firelight's flames among,
But fondness in the wind it makes in moan
And saddest in the sedge of the wind replies,
Awaking echo's with it's tone.
And men'ry mem'ry in the hearts deep sighs.
As when on hearkens to the chanticleer
At hand with eager songs at break of day
Evoking answers upon answer clear
From nearby gardens, till from far away,
At last songster lifts his voice on high
With distance's sad longing in it's cry.
Author unknown


My words

Words of Love

Rachael's Writting

To the Classics

Thoughts and Quotes

The Dance

