The Required Textbook for this course is: John J. Macionis. Sociology. 6th ed. Prentice-Hall, 1997.
The Video Lecture Outlines are linked the the Chapter headings in the course syllabus. Simply click on the Chapter number to
see the Outline for that chapter.
Hurley's Sociology Research Manual has been divided into several parts to make it more accessible to
web users. You may link directly to each of the following sections:
Guidelines for Using Hurley's Sociology Research Manual
Sociological Research Analysis
Quantitative Research Exercises
Qualitative Research Exercises
Please Note that the Video Lectures take a few minutes to load all of the necessary Graphics. Please be patient.
Chapter 10: Social Class In The United States
Chapter 12: Race And Ethnicity
Chapter 14: Aging And The Elderly
Chapter 15: The Economy And Work
Chapter 16: Politics And Government
Chapter 23: Collective Behavior and Social Movements
Chapter 24: Social Change: Traditional, Modern, and Postmodern Societies
You may use this link to go directly to Prentice-Hall's Online Study Guide for Sociology:
Introductory Sociology Readings:
The Secret To A Successful Marriage
During the Fall Semester 1997, I conducted an informal experiment which compared the performance of students who volunteered
to satisfy the course written (Gordon Rule) requirements by answering the Online Essay questions (from the Online Study Guide) to
the performance of those students students who elected my Traditional Writing Assignments. The results are somewhat surprising.
If you are interested, please read the Preliminary Report:
Online Sociology: Preliminary Research Report
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