Old World Stone Carving Logo

Welcome to Old World Stone Carving

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Old World Stone Carving custom designs and produces unique works for the home and garden, civic projects and sculpture. We admit that our name is misleading. In addition to stone, we offer high-end work in metal, wood, glass and ceramics, created by highly skilled artisans.

As you peruse our site, please bear in mind that each piece you see is the only one of its kind, and has been designed to meet the specific needs of individual clients.
Nothing you will see here is for sale or available for reproduction.

This site is intended to exhibit the breadth of our work, as well as educate the public about the ancient tradition of taking chisel and file to stone. Most importantly, it is meant give our potential clients a beginning point for inspiration and acquaint them with the stylistic possibilities as they consider investing in a hand-crafted work that will last for, quite literally, many lifetimes.

We welcome you to explore our work in the category links below. If you are in the market for a piece, or pieces, that will be exclusively yours, please feel free to contact us.

(These pages are best viewed with your monitor set at 600 X 800 resolution)

[Fireplaces | Furniture | Fountains | Miscellaneous Work]
[Entries | Sculpture | Metals | Boston Woodworking Co. | Metaldelphia]
[Multimedia | Design process | Installation process]
[History and Philosophy of Old World Stone Carving | Contact us]

Old World Stone Carving
1100 West Town Street
Columbus, Ohio 43222
(614) 280-1608
Fax: (614) 280-1609
Contact us

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