This page has been created to provide information on Bill 160: Legislation for the reform of Ontario's education system. The Teacher's federation and the Government of Ontario have different views on the bill. The public is told conflicting things about the content of the bill, and the effect it will have on both teachers and students. What they are doing is expressing their own opinion and interpretation of the bill. So, what is this bill about? Is it really about the improvement of the education system? Are the teachers or the government really concerned about the quality of education and the students of Ontario? Is it about funding for a promised tax cut? Is it about teachers protecting their jobs? Or is this bill really about power, and money? This site has been created so you can decide for yourself. Due to its enormous length (262 pages), many people haven't had a chance to read Bill 160 (that includes teachers too, as well as students and parents). Bill 160 is here in its entirety for all to see. There are links to other sites around the net, so you can see all sides of the argument and form your opinion based on that, rather than just listening to what someone else has to say. Teachers, students, and parents need to be properly informed of what effects Bill 160 will have on the system.
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