of Paganism


Contained within these pages is a brief, (well, ok, maybe not so brief) explanation of the Advocate Path of paganism. Due to space and time constraints, this site cannot possibly contain every aspect, concept, or fact about this path. However, I do believe there is enough information to give one a good overview of the path, as well as links to other related sites.

Below is a table of contents for the information found on this site. I wholeheartedly recommend that you read the material in the order in which it is presented. If once you read through the material you find you have an interest in, or a familiarity with this path, I would suggest you reread through each page, one at a time, and either meditate on the information, or spend some time thinking about it, internalizing it, and determine what it is really “saying” to you.

One final note I would like to make is that even among those followers of the Advocate Path, there are differences of opinion. I am in no way stating that my version is the one and/or only correct path; only that it is mine.

Please feel free to email me with any comments and/or questions you may have at

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© 1997 - 2004 Ari Gray


Introduction............................Comments on the nature of Deity; energy and magick; some additional disclaimers.

From the Beginning.................Consciousness and spirits, the lessons, Who Are We? (general and specific beliefs);
Mortals; Ascentionists.

Spiritual Issues........................Spirit room: what is it? what is its purpose? who or...... what is found there? how do you get there?

More Spiritual Issues...............Spirit Guides and Spirit Animals.

The Advocates........................An introduction to Black/White/Gray; triads.

Specialties...............................The earliest days on the planet; intoduction to specialties.

The Betrayals...........................History of the advent of Mortals and their effect on Advocates; the first two betrayals;
the Gods intervene; the Advocates disperse; the third betrayal, the present.

Energy.....................................Energies - what are they?; the “colors” of energy; beginning exercises in energy use.

Kiernen's Story........................A story of betrayal.

Dreadn's Story.........................A story of betrayal.

Links........................................Links to other Advocate pages and sites of interest.

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