Pictures of Pennsic
or "you thought you were home free, didn't
The following are "thumbnail sketches". By displaying only the miniatures, I can speed up the time it takes for you to load this "album page". Simply click on each "thumbnail" to link you to the full-sized photograph in all it's glory.
If any of you have photos you would like to share through this album, either e-mail them to Madoc, or snail mail a copy to Chris Miller, 51 Tenby Lane, Marlton, NJ 08053. Thank you.
The boss and #5 displaying their "wavy Lays" kilts.
No one can eat just one.
neighbors on the Serengetti... the Calontiri prepare for battle.
The boss and #1 in a private discussion of some importance(nice
tan - NOT!)
town battle rages while the marshals look on from their truck
This page last revised on 29 December 1997.