Welcome to Clan Lurkr

(Fieldless) a Chain of seven Links fesswise sable

Pictures of Pennsic
or "you thought you were home free, didn't you?"

The following are "thumbnail sketches". By displaying only the miniatures, I can speed up the time it takes for you to load this "album page". Simply click on each "thumbnail" to link you to the full-sized photograph in all it's glory.

If any of you have photos you would like to share through this album, either e-mail them to Madoc, or snail mail a copy to Chris Miller, 51 Tenby Lane, Marlton, NJ 08053. Thank you.

XXVIEntering the gates, a reminder of the year.

The "ever present" Ansteorran Tower Ansteorran Tower

Big RedOur Home in the Serengetti.

The MallA trip through the merchants' bazaar (how bizarre...) Merchants' Bazaar

The boss and #5 displaying their "wavy Lays" kilts. No one can eat just one. Wavy Lei's

CalontirOur neighbors on the Serengetti... the Calontiri prepare for battle. Calontir

Madoc in wodeMadoc and Ormarr display the latest styles in wode warriors Ormarr in wode

The boss and #1 in a private discussion of some importanceKnight and Squire(nice tan - NOT!)

Blaise stands out in all his 'Blaze and Glory'Blaise

Town BattleThe town battle rages while the marshals look on from their truck Marshal Truck

Wookie in ArmorWookie doing something against his doctor's wishes... Wookie in Armor

Wookie and Staz enjoying vocal intercourse inside "Big Red"Wookie and Staz

This page last revised on 29 December 1997.

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