Historical Links

Madoc and Lucilla's very own home page.
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. is a non-profit, international, educational, middle ages and renaissance re-creation club.
of Calontir, the Midwest portion of the SCA
Visit the Clan Lurkr Homepage, and partake of the hospitality of "Big
with the citizens of the Shire of Lost Moor, Kingdom of Calontir, SCA
out the Knaves of Grain: A non-affiliated, SCA based brewing guild.
- Modar's Heraldry Page, the most widely known, linked to, and respected heraldry site in the entire SCA.
Visit the Barony of Forgotten Sea, the SCA version of the greater Kansas City area.
- Lady Eloine's Humble Abode
- Lord Alaric sallies forth in this SCA web site.
- Keepers of the Keystone - an Arts and Sciences household in the SCA
- Learn some of the difficulties of hosting a medieval re-enactment event at How to Autocrat.
- Anglo-Saxon Studies - a series of articles on the Lakenheath Anglo-Saxon burial site, along with some links to sites with other Anglo-Saxon history.
- Anglo-Saxon and Germanic Studies - an in-depth look at Anglo-Saxon and Germanic culture.
- The Governance
of Real Property in England from Henry I to the Second Reiteration of the
Magna Carta : a research paper on the disposition of land in Britain
during the 12th and 13th centuries.
- Links for Welsh historical research.
- Index to Royal Genealogical Data - ordered by lastname
- Castles in the United
- Castles in Wales
- A Roll of Knights
accompanying William I in 1066A.D.
- Information about Passage of Arms style tournaments and tournament companies.
- The Company of Saint Gabriel tournament company.
- Information on Knights Templar
- Check out the Battle of Hastings.
- The Old
English Studies web page.
- Studies of medieval France
- A
Visual Tour of Late Antiquity : a look at the 6th Century with Duke
- Dutch Maritime History
- The Richard III Society Homepage.
- The Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
- The History of Costume online.
- Ballard's Regiment, English Civil War Reenactment.
- Find out who you would have been in medieval Europe with the Medieval Personality Test
- On-line help with heraldic blazons.
- Alistair's collection of interesting historical websites.
- Milwaukee Public
- New
Viking Longship Excavations only recently excavated
- Viking Research
- The Viking Navy
- More
Longships : along with some links to other excellent Viking sites
- Movies to Study Medieval History By - a collection of movies that correctly portray the life and times of the medieval persona.
- Medieval Studies in Schools - including lesson plans and sites for students to visit.
- Withrow Renaissance Festival and A.C.A. National Tourney - the oldest Renaissance Festival in the United States.
- A Collection of Fonts from the Middle Ages and Renaissance periods.
- Froissart and related 14th Century information.
- Research your Irish name with this Free
- Free
Search - This whole site is directed toward the genealogical researcher. You will find guideposts which can be freely investigated and downloaded.
- Drop in on the Barony of Vatavia
in Southern Kansas (Calontir)
- Calontir Kingdom archives
- Visit the Shire
of Tir Briste in Central Georgia (Meridies)
- LYRICS! Not to mention stuff about KC Renfest.
- SCA Filk Music
- SCA Filk
Music CD-ROMs, plus PDQ Bach, Tom Lehrer, and more
- A page full of Welsh Studies links
- Collections of Recollections, War Stories, and Photos from Master
Pavel (Calontir)
- Viscount Galen of Bristol
- Archery Supplies - especially suited for Medieval and Renaissance re-enactments.
- Lady Knights of the SCA - Photos and Achievements of Arms of the Lady Knights of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.
- Italian Middle Ages - A starting point for researching the Middle Ages in Italy, and the Italian language.

This page last updated on 24 May 2006 by Chris

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