1 April Fool's Day
In 1918, Congress approved Daylight-Saving Time. Change your clocks. Spring one hour forward at 2 AM.
| 2 In 1513 Florida was discovered, claimed for Spain by Ponce de Leon.
| 3 In 1860, the Pony Express Mail Service Began.
| 4 First week of "Daylight Savings Time".Indiana is the only state in the U.S. that doesn't "Spring Forward".
| 6
"Keep America Beautiful" Month
| 7 Fresh Florida Tomato Month
8 National Poetry Month
| 9 In 1968, Martin Luther King Jr was buried in Atlanta.
| 10 In 1955, Polio vaccine tested a success by Dr. Jonas Salk.
| 11 In 1906, Theory Of Relativity by Einstein: E=mc^2.
| 12 National Library Week
| 13 In 1782, Washington, NC was incorporated as the first town to be named for George Washington.
| 14 The Titanic sank after hitting an iceberg in the North Atlantic in 1912.
Time to dye Easter Eggs. Read about "Egg safety". |
15 A collection of "Faberge" Eggs. Happy Easter
| 16 TAX DAY!
| 17 National Mathematics Month
| 18 International Jugglers Day
| 19 Garlic Day
| 20 National Coin Week
| 21 Mark Twain died in 1910 |
22 Babe Ruth's Pitching Debut
| 23 1896: In New York City, Americans sit together in a theater and view a motion picture for the first time
| 24 National Arbor Day
| 25
Industry Day (Links to different industries)
| 26 Richter Scale Day
| 27 Who is buried in Grant's Tomb? (President Ullysses S. Grant's Tomb was dedicated in 1897)
| 28 In 1993, the first "Take Our Daughters to Work Day" was observed.
29 Duke Ellington, jazz composer, orchestrator, bandleader, and pianist was born in 1899.
| 30 National Playground Safety Day"
| LINKS---->
| The Phonics Lady's Index Page