System Administration with windoze 3.1

Sachverstand2 @, 01.01.1998

directory of c:\WINDOWS (abbreviated!!!)
AUTOEXEC WIN   # copy of autoexec.bat put in here before windoze modified it
CONFIG   WIN   # dito about config.sys
CALC     EXE   # a program
CAPI     DLL   # larry has isdn. capi's make all isdn-cardss look the 
		# same to the os.
CONTROL  HLP   # a windoze help file
CONTROL  INI   # a windoze ini file. makes apps start with same surface
               # u left it
DIAMOND  GRP   # a goup within progman
EDIT     PIF   # program ident file. make dos-apps creep under windoze. EMM386   EXE   # necessary, see sysopdos.htm
HIMEM    SYS   # dto.
MORICONS DLL   # a dynamic linked library. contains funcions called by
               # windoze-apps.
MSD      EXE   # useful.
SMARTDRV EXE   # necessary, see sysopdos.htm
SPART    PAR   # windoze swap file. windoze needs LOT of memory to creep
               # fast, so memory pages are swapped out to free memory.
SSFLYWIN SCR   # boring screen saver. use hex editor to change the byte
               # after the word "display" to change displayed letter.
SYSTEM   INI   # vital file, backup should be kept in c:\safersex
WIN      INI   # dto.

directory of c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM
8514FIX  FON   # fixed screen font, bitmapped and creeping up fast
APPS     INF   # file which says which files to setup when installing apps
ARIAL    FOT   # generated screen font, bitmapped and creeping up fast
ARIAL    TTF   # true type font, coded as vectors. "high quality". 
ARIALBD  FOT   # dto., boldface
ARIALBI  FOT   # dto., bold italic
ARIALI   FOT   # dto., italic
BASE9    DRV   # driver for 9-needle impact printer. sometimes matching for
               # nine-jet ink printer
DRIVERS  CPL   # sometimes checked by control.exe to determine what's up
KBDGR    DLL   # fools the system: to german keyboard
OLE2     DLL   # ole2-drivers. i don't know who installed them, must have
OLE2     REG   # been magic or bad luck
PROCHOOK DLL   # library to show which process is hooked
SETUP    INF   # setup file for windoze. search line
# lapc1         = 5:mpu401.drv,   "MIDI",      "Roland LAPC1",,
               # and add
# speaker       = 7:speaker.drv,  "Wave,MIDI", "PC-Lautsprecher",,
               # to use pc speaker as low-quality speaker
VBRUN300 DLL   # needed to run programs written in visual-basic
VGALOGO  RLE   # a picture
WIN386   EXE   # vital file

If you are tired of the "micro$soft windoze" picture coming up every time you must reboot, create a fancy picture like "p.rle", save to c:\safersex and do
c:\windows:> copy \b \system\win.cnf + \system\vgalogo.lgo + p.rle
This is not documented (as usual). Keep p.rle smaller than 640x480 pixels.

What do we learn while windoze is creeping up?

- nothing.

What do we learn while using windoze?

- how to produce general protection failure by swirling around the mouse. that's very closed to nothing.

What do we do while using windoze?

- run away from the machine, screaming
- watch the printout of any document, anxiously

Where do we go tomorrow?

Visiting penguins

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