Audio-cassette section:


This section is all about knowledge. Further down are severals categories, and each one of them contains several audio-cassette from famous muslim speakers.

There is almost 100 differents tapes, so a choice for anyone! Just browse through...

The cassettes are excellent quality duplicates, and are garanteed...(see further down). Each and every cassettes cost £1.50 only including P&P within the UK or £2.00 only including P&P for the rest of the world. All cassettes are in English/American language.

For any order of 10 or more cassettes, a discount of : 20% apply on the total. So that for 10 cassettes inside the UK, you only have to pay 12£.(That's roughly 1£ per cassette!!!)

Different type of cassette available

Click on categorie you want, and you will be AUTOMATICALLY teleported to the right section! MashaAllah!

  1. Beliefs(incl. Tawheed, Aquida, Pillars,ect.).
  2. Quran and Sunnah.
  3. Dahwa.
  4. Sects.
  5. Self-Improvements .
  6. Other type.

The guarantee : If you are not satisfied with any cassette, for any good reason, you will be entitled to a new cassette free, the title of which you decide(i.e. you can choose a different topic!)

All benefits made will be used either for:

So what are you waiting for???? ORDER NOW!

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