If you want your company to go home, so that you can be alone, don't beat them 'til they bleed, just drag out some poetry to read. And after reading two or three, alone is what you'll be. So to get that company steppin', use poetry as a weapon. ********** I bought a metal detector; It was worth every buck. I found two mobile homes and a pick up truck! ********** Because of its location, those who have a fine rear, find it's not as easy as a face to look at in the mirror. But if you take a looking glass and hold it over your shoulder, then you can admire at last the beauty in the behind of beholder. ********** There once was a man who loved junk food; he ate and ate and ate. And when he died God sent him to hog heaven by mistake. ********** My dog talks in her sleep; she tell very wild stories, about chasing rabbits and squirrels, and acts of heroism and glory. Even though these stories are not true, I don't wake her, and I'll tell you why: My philosophy has always been to let sleeping dogs lie. ********** I went looking to buy a sweater, My size, What the heck? I'm only gonna wear it tied around my neck. Then I went looking to buy a condom-- large, medium, small-- it does not matter at all the size that I pick, because I'm only gonna wear it-- oops! sorry! condoments is what I meant to say; and I am going to keep them in my kitchem on a tray! ********** My dog loves to kiss me; she is the sweetest little mutt! But I make her wait an hour after licking her butt. ********** Bowlers understand each other, they don't criticize or accuse, Because they're always walking in other bowler's shoes. ********** I wanted people to think I was cool and to think I was fierce; so I decided to have my hemorrhoids pierced! I played piano by ear 'til my ear started bleedin'. I made myself fat from over feedin'. But then I bought some fat burner pills, but I took too many. Children roasted marshmallows over my ass which is now quite charred and skinny! ********** At our local mall the sales are really nice! Buy one, and get another for the very same price! ********** He committed a lot of crime; he was convicted twice. But everyone said his mother was nice. It was this revelation that led me to discover, You can't judge a crook by looking at his mother. ********** I drove home from work in a cold, winter storm. My cat crawled under the hood of my car to keep dry and warm. I got back into my car to drive to the store. I do not have that cat any more. ********** Each Sunday of my youth in church I would be seated on the pew with my family. But I was easily bored by the preacher's sermon, so I engaged my fantasy to keep from squirmin'. My favorite daydream, and I had quite a few, was to mentally undress the woman in the next pew. She was older than me, so sexy and fine; and she would never know what we did in my mind. I guess this was wrong, but I was sooooo bored, and far to horney to worship the lord. ********** In my house the cobwebs roam. I would not put a cob out of a home. ********** I hate going to funerals. I’m not a mourning person. And I hate being invited to watch people get hitched, because that requires a present and I'm a cheap son-of-a-bitch! ********** On weekends and holidays when there's no on to teach, I break out my sign and take to the streets-- where I wander aimlessly like a beggar dude, with my sign that reads, "Will Teach For Food." But when my legs grow tired, I go back to my home and listen to my stomach groan. ********** I was feeling half dead and wondered if I could receive half my life insurance to take care of some needs. But my insurance man, who said he was my friend, said to call back when the other half sets in. ********** Teen pregnancy-- yep, we have plenty, but it drops off sharply when they turn twenty. But adult pregnancy— as long as they can get laid, continues on for several decades. **********
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