A Long Drive Without A Radio

If time is the onset, duration and passage of events, then time (as a
practical quantity) will end when entropy causes all energy to be so widely
spread as to result in the complete paralysis of the universe.

Because energy cannot be created nor destroyed, some movement will always
throughout infinity. But this movement will become progressively smaller so
as to be undetectable and useless. If this is the case, time will never end,
but will become boring and obsolete.

As I have had the good fortune to grow old, I find that my days are long,
weeks short, and years even shorter. How can I blame entropy for this?

A thought Big Bangs: If a big bang caused all matter to be blasted into the
voids of the universe, the universe expands. Then, when it can no longer
expand, it contracts into a singular mass only to be spewed again
outward into space. This pattern would repeat itself over and over again.
However, each scattering would be smaller as each bang would be weaker.
Like a basketball dropped from the hands of an eight foot giant, each
progressive bounce would be smaller and smaller until it rests lifelessly
on the hardwood floor.

*Compulsory education laws work against high quality education and should be
abolished. If you “must” do something, it often becomes a dreaded event.
These laws have caused many to see only the "have to" and be blinded to
the "need to” be educated. When the must is gone, the need will be obvious
and pressing.

*Every child should have the opportunity to receive a good education. If this
opportunity was made law, it would be unlawful to infringe upon this right.
Such a law would be an important mechanism to eliminate anything that
functioned to deny this right. This lawful right could serve as the backbone through
which discipline could be applied to bring order to our public schools. No one
should be allowed to infringe upon the right of another to receive
a good education.

*When something is perceived to be “free,” we tend to treat it with
disrespect. Maybe if parents had to post a bond for their child to enroll in
school we could temper this “free” idea. Portions of this bond would be
subject to forfeiture for conduct wasteful of the taxpayer’s money. When you
add money to almost any situation, people tend to place greater value upon it.
Have you noticed how people tend to cuddle those costly little bottles of
*Programs to swap guns for grades could function to not only get guns off of
the street, but would also result in a significant improvement in student