NURSERY RHYMES WRITTEN BY LAWYERS Goldilocks, that three time loser-- She'll surely to do hard time-- for breaking and entering, destroying property and leaving the scene of a crime! Jack and Jill went up the hill, but Jack came down with a crash! Jill got three-to-five, 'cause she the one who pushed his ass! The Wolf's attorney proved in court that Red Riding Hood gave him a map. He was acquitted for eating Granny because he was entrapped! The judge awarded the three blind mice ownership of the farmer's farm. Because the farmer's wife, with a knife, intentionally inflicted them harm! The Dumpty family will almost certainly sue. They don't think Humpty fell, but was pushed by Little Boy Blue! London Bridge is falling down! The fair ladies will sue the heck out of the construction company and the architect! Jack wasn't nimble, Nor was he quick. Jack knocked over the candlestick. Jack was charged at his arraignment with arson and reckless endangerment. The old woman who lived in a shoe, she knew what to do--she went to court! Now she takes care of her children with additional child support. Who killed Cock Robin? The jury couldn't say; for on the Sparrow's arrow was not a trace of DNA! Abandoned and abused, the jury refused to convict Hansel and Gretel of eating a cottage and killing the mean old witch. Two of the Three Little Pigs sued the Wolf’s estate to recover rent. And when they won their case their lawyers took fifty percent! ********** LIMITATIONS Our eyes convert light to electricity, this allows the brain to see; But in this crude conversion we miss most reality. Our ears collect vibrations-- a small range we can detect; And all other commotion our brain must neglect. Nerve cells in our tongue and nose detect chemicals that go by. But they can only detect those of a certain shape and size. Our skin has little nerve cells that respond to mechanical events. They convert them to electricity, and our brain makes them make sense. With all these limitations it is easy to show that there is much reality that we can never know. And what we are missing, I'm led to believe, is far more than that we can perceive. ********** Wild Horses I didn't want to leave; I wanted to stay, but wild horses drove me away! I wanted to come, but dog-gone-it! Wild horses kept me from it! I should have known they were up to good when wild horses moved into my neighborhood. And ever since the wild horses came, they keep me from doing all kinds of things. They won't let me rake or mow the yard, clean the house, or do work that is hard. They make me stay inside-- drink and eat, sit in my chair-- prop up my feet-- Watch TV-- press buttons on the remote; and feed the wild horses sugar and oats! ********** PERSPECTIVE If one had to die, chicken or prince, which death would make better sense? If you ask a rat which one should pass, the rat wouldn't give a rat's ass! But it would be the chicken that died if the prince was the one to decide-- And the heart of the chicken would keep on tickin' if it was the chicken who was doing the pickin'! But ask a goat to resolve this spat, and the goat would likely agree with the rat. "Man is the measure of all things," Protagoras once wrote. But he was a man, not a chicken, rat or goat. ********** CHICKEN SOUP A plant popped up in my garden; I nourished it and it grew. Its stalk was strong; its leaves thick and bright. It thrived in the rays of the summer sunlight. Proud it stood on that autumn morn as a visitor came to view-- this hardy plant in the morning dew. "That's a weed!" He related in a shout! So I kneeled over and pulled it out. ********** NO COMPARISON There was a wreck on the interstate. Traffic was backed up; everyone would be late. When it became apparent we were going nowhere, we got out of our cars to get some fresh air. To my left was a man who drove a new Lexus. I looked at his tag; he was from Texas. He was ranting and raving! At the mouth he foamed-- as he shouted obscenities into his cell phone! Being delayed had set him aback. He smoked a cigarette, then opened a fresh pack. On the side of the road, pushing a buggy, was a homeless man-- shabby and grubby. As he walked past my car I asked, "How ya doin'?" He said, "I got a chipped wheel in need of some gluin', But other than that things are just fine." He smiled and walked on-- sipping his wine. I looked at the Lexus; I looked at the cart; and I pondered what it was that set these men apart. The bum drank his wine; the Texan hacked a cough; And I wondered which was better off. ********** Good Parasites A good parasite doesn't kill its host. This allows them to exploit them the most. A bad parasite kills their host in haste, Then they must search for another to waste. The thing we call love makes our lives bright; It also allows us to be good parasites. ********** CONDENSATION Money is like water, when it goes into motion, the pools, streams and ditches drain to the oceans. Gravity demands that material formations slowly drift to lower elevations. And the oceans will not share with the pools, ditches and streams, except what the sun takes from them in steam; And when condensation makes it heavier than air, that is when the poor get their share. So the rich will always put the money away; and the poor will bow and to the heavens and pray-- for the heat of the sun, to take some of these riches, and caused them to fall in the pools, streams and ditches. ********** FEAR As I walked out the door to check the mail, I saw a dog-- sickly and frail. It was a Rotweiller with massive jowls. As I kneeled beside him, he started to growl! His fierce demeanor did cause me fright; I was afraid that he might bite. So I left him there-- all alone-- hoping he would return to his home. The next morning the dog lay dead. Flies encircled his ugly head. He died of fear, I do believe, Mine to give-- his to receive. ********** When The Chips Are Down As I walked in the door of my local store I saw a sign, "Lays 79 cents." Who could ask for more? But the clerk informed me that my mind had been tripped. I was thinking sex but they were talking chips. So in my dismay I bought those salty chews, and with a six pack of beer eat and drank away my blues. ********** WRETCH I know a poet, I won't mention his name, who tortures himself to write of the pain. He sets himself up for an emotional fall, Then proceeds to beat his head against the wall. And he writes of the torment and the agony he's feeling; he calls it his way of bringing on healing. But, in truth, he walks into hell because failing is the one thing he really does well. I do not pity him; he chose this way to go, to be a magnificent wretch-- rather than an average Joe. ********** PROZAC KILLED THE POET In youth we build ideals, we build them so grand, our minds construct boulders from grains of sand. Then in maturity-- wisdom we gain-- by reducing our boulders back into grains. And we scribble a few lines in the sands of time, in celebration and in mourning-- Sign Posts of joy and of warning. But enter that chemical grin-- that separates hand from pen! It courses our veins-- vanquishing our pain. Goodbye, old truthful friend! Cold has turned to warm. Whole is that which once was torn. The poet is dead, but not buried in the ground-- and silent is the sound of the call-- for the poet will not be missed at all. ********** CRAZY? Why do people think a better deal they'll find if they do business with those of demented mind? Wild Bill and Crazy Eddie-- their minds they have lost, So we think we can buy from them at less than dealer cost! These merchants are so crazy that we think, just maybe, we can steal from them like taking candy from a baby. Does this reflect our nature-- that we are so evil-- that we would like to swindle those with minds so feeble? If this is how it is, and people are looking to cheat, slogans such as these would help business compete: "Special Ed's Used Cars-- everyone a gem! Hitch-hike to his lot and you might steal a car from him!" Or, "Stupid Johnny's Home Appliances, he's so retarded he may let you have a refrigerator and forget to make you pay!" But I guess the reality is that people fall for these pitches. So that being considered crazy can help to bring you riches. "You can't cheat an honest man," is how the saying goes. This technique works so well because there are so few of those. ********** INTERVIEW The interview went well, I felt inside my gut, until I let the door hit me in the butt. This was the very thing they told me not to do as they concluded my interview. It hit me in the butt! I started to sob. I guess this means I won't get the job! ********** McSCREWED AGAIN Ronald McDonald the hamburger clown, couldn't get me to woof a burger down. Mayor McCheese and Hamburglar who steals couldn't sell me a Happy Meal. I resisted all the cute character glut; but I fell for McDonna, the hamburger slut. ********** Paper Or Plastic? I bought a soft drink and beneath the cap was writ, “Sorry, please try again.” I said “Oh shit!
So I bought another, and another again and again; I brought them to the clerk and with a sheepish grin,
She called me a “retard!” and showed me no mercy. “Paper or plastic? I surely hope you’re thirsty!”


GLAD I DIDN'T KNOW Everything I've ever done that I considered good, required more work than I thought it would. But I didn't know, and for this I'm glad, for I wouldn't have done them if I had. **********
