"I think; therefore I am," Rene Descartes’ expressed. So if we are not thinking, then we don't exist? If the census were taken by Descartes’ delineation, the world would be in a state of under-population. ********** If Jim Bowie had not died and left us quite so soon, there would have been a Bowie Knife, and a fork and spoon. And adorning your dining room table-- a Bowie gravy ladle. ********** Alexander the Great, with a blow to the head, might have become Alexander the Special Ed. ********** I once had a job as a bartender, but the hours were long, so I quit. Some of those hours were 65 min-its! ********** You should live each day as if it was your last. Wake up and dig a hole in which to bury your ass. ********** When I ponder the changes I'd make if I could live my life anew, the answer is always the same-- there would be quite a few. But the changes I would make probably would not pay. They would just allow me to screw up in a different way. ********** Time filters memory like a merciful strain, so that only good and beauty remains. But without mercy, this filtrated bliss, at death makes us think that living we'll miss. ********** Those who lie with good recollection, seldom pay the price of detection. ********** There is little difference on the surface of it, between forgiveness and not giving a shit. ********** "Till death do us part would be more truthful if more of us died when we were youthful. ********** I'm so sorry my love, but I must confess that after orgasm I love you less. ********** Instead of electing a president, we should open it up to all; and give the job to the lucky person who is the seventh one to call. ********** The smartest people in the world must be those who always agree with me. And each time they concur with what I construe, they get even better looking too! ********** My life was all the stuff that happened to me while I was busy dreaming what I wanted it to be. And now that so much of my life is gone, I wish I'd paid attention to what was going on. ********** Weekends are good, until Sunday afternoon, for it is then that I realize it will be over soon-- And Monday will surely come and show its ugly butt; and for five days I'll be stuck in a rut. But the enjoyment of my Sundays would certainly extend, if the lottery drawing were held Sunday night at ten. Then I could enjoy this final day of rest-- until 10:01-- then I'd get depressed! ********** You should always take one step at a time; that's all! unless your intent is to jump or fall. ********** With money and blood pressure things can get rough if you have an overabundance or not enough. ********** Of all the things we ferry, an empty wallet is hardest to carry; for despite the weight we pull, it feels so much lighter when it is full. ********** We can't stay young forever; and getting old sucks. But we all grow old with a little luck. This kind of luck I have had; but I am not sure if it's good or bad. ********** I'm tired of all this sexist crap! Wouldn't it be a nice switch-- just once to hear someone called a "daughter of a bitch?" And why do mothers get all the fucking? This isn't fair! Fathers, too, deserve their share! ********** Hit men are people who kill for their pay. But the people they kill were gonna die anyway. It is the same for those who make people croak by growing and selling tobacco to smoke. It is only the speed that does divide this legal business from homicide. Kill slowly and you're ok. Kill quickly and they put you away! ********** When we describe happiness, or our emotional pain, why do we credit the heart when these come from the brain? When we are rejected, that emotional thud comes from the brain-- the heart just pumps blood. And when we succeed in life's hustle and bustle it's the brain that feels joy-- the heart is just a muscle. To credit the heart and slight the brain, is just not right; it seems such a shame. But it would be difficult to right this great wrong because we'd have to change the words to so many songs. And if this were done, they wouldn't sound the same. Can you imagine an Achy Breaky Brain? And even ole Elvis would have found it a hard sell had he proclaimed Brain Break Hotel! But can you imagine a bigger fiasco than I Left My Brain In San Francisco? So although it is improper, and scientifically wrong, we must keep it like it is for the sake of all these songs. ********** Gravity is the law that holds people down. It causes our feet the pavement to pound. It makes our chins droop and sag. Beautiful breasts become like tea bags. And why is it that we can't fly? Gravity! that's why! Gravity is the reason things plummet and break. It makes leaves fall so that we have to rake. It is the reason we can't jump over things. It is why the fall must follow the spring. It is unconstitutional, to say the least. It discriminates against the weak and obese! But although it seems that this law isn't fair, it keeps all the crap from floating in the air. So sad, but true-- gravity we need, so that we all may continue to breathe. ********** When something bad happens, when things are not right, someone will say, "That's life." But when something good happens, when things are at their best, no one ever says: "That's death." What this implies is very sad. It is that both life and death are bad. If life and death are both a crock, it might be better to be a rock. ********** Life is a matter of take and give. Something must die so that something might live. Chicken and cow are no longer alive. They died so that we might survive. Wheat and corn, turnip and sugar cane, sacrifices in the living game. We sow and grow, slaughter and devour, to live another minute-- another hour-- until we die and become a grand feast for every manner of wee beast. So what life is all about-- I have grown to discover-- is a continuous bout of feeding on each other. So pass the potatoes; pass the ham. I eat; therefore I am. **********
