written by: Szatmary Alex
It is easier to get a new heart, than to fix a
broken one.
Touching the unknown, is always frightening.
Best way to cover a deficiency, is to show
a decoy weakness.
We are born with nothing, and die with less.
There is no universal truth, only profanity.
Honest person between swindlers, is a loser.
Is no fame, without being humble to somebody.
If you were born in "Nowhere Land", you'll
die " Homeless".
Incompetence is inadmissible, for a "high-horse
The Optimist is always thinking
of Heaven - and takes refuge in Hell.
You have one Life and you
have it forever ,
but only in one time frame.
There are two ways of becoming
make rich yourself, or make
poor your neighbours!
Everyone deserve a second
chance ,
but it won't be me who is
going to give you that.
Love and water is the basic
of Life.
If they are clean they are
People are to shy to live
up to there potential.
You can predict the unexpected
, by using chaos.
A boring story with no political
spelling mistake ,
is considered Classic.
If a woman plays hard to
get , she has nothing to give.
Vice Incompetence : "
Let Nature to take its curse !"
When you believe your limits
are endless , you become limited.
Election slogan: The remote control lets you change
the channels ,
not the story of the movie.
There is a slim difference
between thinking and daydreaming...
daydreamers are better paid!
Prayer: "God save us
from successful mediocrity!"
Plea: "Please, donate
to us some ideas
to eliminate the mental
Extreme kindness has a violent
An organized crowd always
worships a rules book!
People who throughly worship
something expect to be worshipped.
You have everything you
believe you have.
There is more in life than
just fun!
The hardest thing in life
is: the diamond.
False belief : Freedom equals free things.
We accept bribery ; evolution
is proven!
Respect for stupidity makes
you smart.
"My scream is the only
truth!" said the donkey.
I can see now, so I don't
have to listen anymore!
Do you believe in reincarnation
after love?
I hate rainbows, so I chase
Wishes for eyes, reality
for hands, struggle for heart.
Follow the common rules
and you are going to get to a common grave.
Your dreams can become truth,
if you remember them.
Slogan: "Nurture the
past to defeat the future!"
Feeling stupid is the first
step to becoming smart,
and that is how far we are
ever going to get.
Power and being hated comes
with the same package.
I'm crying after my memories
that never happened.
It's not enough to live
through reality.
Maximalist:-There is no
fight in life, only result!
Smart people don't work
, they are retired.
If you missed the chance,
it means you never had one.
Behind great savings is
always an odour of laziness.
Everybody makes mistakes
, but sometimes it happens that
we do the right thing.
Are you really smart if
you are using smart peoples ideas?
"No rules !" That
is the first law of nature.
Originality is : doing what
everybody does , only with a twist.
Hiding ignorance is the
first sign of adulthood.
A collection of failures
is called: "Experience".
Life is like chess , we
always make the same mistakes over and over again.
I'm thinking, so I'm doomed.
Loves me everybody...I'm
a slave to everybody.
There are no rules until
you don't accept them.
I'm screaming like a wolf...I
belong to a crowd of sheep.
Better cover a weakness
than a frozen smile.
Who believes you, if you
are not you?
There are two major kinds of people:
those who don't know to think, and
those who are lazy to think.
If you are reading this,
it must be a bad coincidence!
If you don't have
a life , you live in virtual reality.
Being young is not a quality
, and certainly not an excuse.
Admitting a mistake, does
not repair the damage.
Saying : " I'm sorry
"- is not the highway to Heaven.