these are a few of my favorite things....

Song Stuck in My Head: i can be cruel, tori amos.

the tube: cupid. runner up: the practice.

stuff to do: write my international law journal article on "Net Nation and the Digital Revolution: Regulation of Offensive Material for a New Community." Exedrin, Tylenol, Midol, ANYTHING, take me away....

poet: would be improper, i suppose, to say me. i love
so many i can't very well pick. i tend to list my favorite
poets at the top of my poet list links

favorite oddball writer: veej, a "silent ranter" at create-torium with this itty-bitty poem sent to me:

the words graft themselves to the paper in a dance
prancing, per chance, to glance at themselves as if to laugh
shall they sense a self which everything else has felt?
prithee, I cannot tell thee, prithee I cannot lie
like a wallow in the mire who desires nothing sought
like a soldier forever colder -- semper fi, semper fi
crawling through the muck--am I stuck? am I stuck?
thoughts pound through the pencil--when will they be caught?

a skulk amid the white space
melding and welding that has stopped
paper fraught with turds and verbs
but meaningless it is not

dreaming din bottled within
what followed was swallowed by the depths
writhing through the concrete beneath my feet
tentacles manacled many fold much untold was left

chisel, chisel, chisel, to scratch and deface the surface
to give purpose to what may be worthless is a noble goal
fold the page many times until the sublime no longer mimes
the steps it means to take within the moment's soul
deliver deliverance?--mere happenstance like a sliver
the point comes from the quiver within oneself one finds

seeping through the crack, a tatter scrunches through
the thoughts come out in bunches--veritable punches?
simply landing where they're due
splotches strike the paper quesily, uneasily
the drops teetering but never petering--who really knew?

in the randomness the patchwork plies its trade again
the mess is tandem, coupled and, um, a start with a stop
unlikely rhythm reams the scheme and riddles on and off

strings are pulled but I am a fool as the marionettes shudder to life
they fail and dangle at the disturbing angle like the unborn kites that they are
swaying allays any fears made by limp limbs feeling only numb
drive the feather deeper into the well until it is ruffled and rife
with strife and vigor and ripe with rigor weaving an erudite sum

squeeze until tears fall from the torn rags
wring until a smile can be pried from the pain
stain the floor until it can bear it no more
painting the jagged crags like flecks of snow

the white dust climbs a windy ladder
plucking chimes in a frisky manner
until a melody cascades in my ears
nearing what appears a soluble collusion
words slowly blend themselves into the paper in an embrace
gracefully is the case, leaving not a trace
as to its agonizing origins

--Vibenjohn B. Esguerra

favorite songsmith:
ani difranco used to be my favorite and while i still
find her rhymes and tones and words to be very well put
together, i'm not diggin' the new "all-me" attitude. actually,
i'm listening to a boot leg of east main street by her as i
write this. shame on me. next in line: loreena mckennet

artist: Bruvel

the words of a book: skin by kathe koja. runner up: american
psycho by bret easton ellis. last in line (what
can i say? i love books): stephen r donaldson in his gap
into space stuff

things i look forward to: having a living room/kitchen/dining
room which are actually separate rooms

favorite toy: cri-kee from mulan. i need my lucky cricket nowadays.

desktop theme: almost all the themes at opal essence but particularly
i'm in love with The Crossing

favorite firm: its a tie between Jenner & Block and O'Melveny & Myers in Century City.

erotic film: the story of O

the changing of the color of my hair: light blond, currently.

piece of mail: "you have won 11 million dollars...this is what
we'll say if you hold the winning number." i love this stuff!
last time they sent along a fake picture with folks holding
a paper with my name on it! Great! i taped it on my wall next
to my favorite cartoons

my film buff movie picks: all time fav: the crow. runner up:
clockwork orange. third place: shakespeare's romeo & juliet

dream car: red bug with a few lady bug black dots.

coolest artwork in my apartment: a street sign with my name on it.
runner up: old beaten up wooden coca cola thing

favorite moment: waking up in my warm waterbed during the afternoon
with the sun sluggishly shining through the posters
taped over my windows with one window open so the room
is freezing

neato-ist commercial: primeco guy primeco guy primeco guy!
