Professional Summary
Comprehensive liberal arts education, published, experienced a wide variety of educational situations. Experience teaching instructional communication, composition, argumentation, critical theory, critical thinking, interpersonal communication. Seek employment as a professor of English, Communication, or related field.
Coursework ("Teaching Freshman Composition"), Cal Poly Pomona, Spring 2001
Coursework (Education), Claremont Graduate University, 2000
Ph. D. (Communication), The Ohio State University, 1998
Doctoral Thesis: "Substitute Teaching as Critical Research on School Communication: An Ethnographic Study." 1998, Ohio State University. Adviser: Dr. Amy Shuman.
M. A. (English) Sonoma State University, 1992.
Master's Thesis: "Schafer, Spence, de Gramont, Habermas: Literary Theory and Psychoanalytic Practice." 1992, Sonoma State University. Adviser: Dr. Julia Allen.
B.A. (Literature, English and Spanish) University of California at Santa Cruz, 1984.
Fassbinder, S. (2007). [Review of Life in Schools]. Education Review (forthcoming).
Fassbinder, S. (2007). "Preface: History and Hope from the Present Moment in Peter McLaren and Revolutionary Critical Pedagogy." Peter McLaren, Education, and the Struggle for Liberation (Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press) forthcoming.
Fassbinder, S. (2006). [Review of Babylon and Beyond]. Green Theory And Praxis 1: 3(August 2006).
Fassbinder, S. (2006). [Review of Oil, Globalization, and the War for the Arctic Refuge]. Green Theory And Praxis 1: 3(August 2006).
Fassbinder, S. (2006). Teresa Brennan (1952-2003) -- A Retrospective. Capitalism Nature Socialism 17:4 (December 2006). 150-153.
Fassbinder, S. (2006). Interfering with Capitalism's Spell: Peter McLaren's Revolutionary Liminality. International Journal of Progressive Education 2:3.
Fassbinder, S. (2006). Peter McLaren's Recent Work: An Annotated Summary. Cultural Logic (forthcoming).
Fassbinder, S. (2006). [Review of Terror Incorporated]. Political Affairs (August).
Fassbinder, S. (2006). [Review of Rage and Hope]. Education Review (July 9, 2006).
Fassbinder, S. (2006). [Review of The Long Emergency]. Green Theory And Praxis 1: 2(April 2006).
Fassbinder, S. (2006). The 'Dirty Thirty's' Peter McLaren Reflects on the Crisis of Academic Freedom. MRZine 4 April 2006.
Fassbinder, S. (2005). [Review of Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed]. Green Theory And Praxis 1:1 (August 2005).
Fassbinder, S. (1995). [Review of Discreet Indiscretions: The Social Organization of Gossip]. Journal of American Folklore 428, 215-216.
Fassbinder, S. (1994). [Review of Good News: Social Ethics and the Press]. European Journal of Communication 9, 221-224.
Fassbinder, S. (1992). The Critique of the Self in the Context of a Disappearing Academia. Thresholds: Viewing Culture 6 (UC Santa Barbara) 60-66.
Fassbinder, S. (1991). The Gulf War as an Occasion for Modeling. Thresholds: Viewing Culture 5 (UC Santa Barbara) 36-40.
Conference Papers
Fassbinder, S. (1999, April). Proposition 227 and Bilingual Education in California: A Prefatory Essay. Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association Convention, Saint Louis, MO.
Fassbinder, S. (1998, April). Critical Communication Studies, Critical Pedagogy, and the Dormancy of the Political. Paper presented at the Southern States Communication Association Convention, San Antonio, TX.
Fassbinder, S. (1996, February). Foucault and Epistemic Rhetoric In and Around The Order of Things. Paper presented at the Western States Communication Association Convention, Pasadena, CA.
Fassbinder, S. (1993, October). Utopia through Communicative Ethics: Benhabib's Use of Apel. Paper presented at the Politics and Ethics Conference, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI.
All academic online publications are linked to my Web site here. My writings for can be found here.
Teaching Experience
English 1a -- First-year Composition
English 102 -- Composition (critical and research skills)
Communication 491 -- Instructional Communication
Speech 1 -- Public Speaking
Speech 9 -- Interpersonal Communication
English 1A -- Composition
English 60A -- Writing Skills
English 1B -- Critical Thinking
English 450 -- Fundamentals of Composition
Communication 305 -- Argumentation and Debate
Communication 260 -- Intro to Critical Cultural Communication
Communication 105 -- Intro to Communication
Pomona Unified School District 3/97-6/01
El Monte City School District 9/00-12/00
Bonita Unified School District 3/97-6/00
Fontana Unified School District 9/90-6/98
San Bernardino County Schools 4/88/6/92
Teaching experience with more than a dozen districts in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Sonoma Counties, California, at all grade levels K through 12, in bilingual (Spanish and English) education, immersion education (as conducted under Proposition 227), and special education, for long-term and short-term assignments, most recently in teaching a 5th-grade class of limited English proficient students at Shirpser Elementary School in the El Monte City School District while taking education classes at the Claremont Graduate University.
The syllabus at is for a remedial semester-length English class. In this class the students wrote product reviews and ethnographic sketches.
The syllabus at is for a semester-length freshman composition class. The supplementary reading text used was Barbara Ehrenreich's Nickel and Dimed.
The syllabus at is also for a semester-length freshman composition class. For this class I taught a thematic unit in pedagogy. Its conceptual outline is at .
The syllabus at is for a quarter-length advanced English composition class, with a thematic unit in mass media.
The syllabus at is for a public speaking class in a six-week winter intersession.
Available upon request.