taken on May 6, 2001, not the best, but it's up to date...

Hi and welcome to my home page.... As most of you should have figured out by now, my name is Naomey. I'm finally 21! and no longer a bartender, so what's the fun of that? :o) actually, the bartending scene got pretty lame, so I decided to go where the big bucks are! The accounting department of Peter Kiewit Sons here in Omaha. Now, a little about who i am... I love to write...i wish i could get some of my poetry published, but in order to do that, i'd have to let people read it, and i'm not ready to do that just yet. I love to hang out with my friends, be it watching movies, bowling, playing pool, or even car shopping (Would you like some free rice with that?)hahahaha...

Wanna see who i sleep with everynight?

This is him. This is my kitten Pudge. Beware, he may "cute" you to death! ;o)

Yes it's a new picture!

for those of you keeping track, that's 3, count 'em, 3 new pictures on here!

Email me at brokenthunder@hotmail.com in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

My Buddies' Best Efforts at this Crap!!!!

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