Grayfox's Writing

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My Darling, how might I deal
With the hand that has been deal me?
How might this empty feeling in my heart
Ever be filled in your absence?
You are as sweet as honey.
As beautiful as the dew on a rose at daybreak,
As bright as the noon day sun.
As witty as a Joker in the Kings court.
As delicate as the pedals of an orchid in the forest.
My soul will yearn for you and your quick return,
And my heart will ache in your absence.
Might I find some peace in knowing a small part
Of your thoughts will be of me?
Or that I may dream of your lovely face?
Or perhaps, a part of my wandering soul may meet
Yours in the great abyss?
And may you feel the presence of my thoughts with you?
Oh Athena! May these two spirits be entwined as they part,
And walk hand in hand in the valley of the Gods
In pure innocence and joy!
And upon your return, my heart shall be as filled
As the thirst of a traveler in the desert.
And my soul be as calm and strong as the waters
of the mighty Euphrates.
And our thoughts, as pure as the golden sunlight,
Not to spoil the bounty of the harvest in Autumn.
And may all the powers of Heaven be with you to watch
And protect you as you make this journey so upon
Your joyous return, all of us can rejoice and be glad.
And praying that your journey may be fruitful so your
Return may be an even more fulfilling event.
My special love, know our thoughts,
and prayers and souls will be with you.
And if you shall feel alone, we will
be there for you in our spirit.
As clean in thought as a fresh fallen snow, and as
Sure and as real as the day will become night.

© 1998 Ron Moody

The Goddess of my life has a name.
She is not a mythical being from Greek mythology,
But a precious and dear woman who will not acknowledge
That she is a distinctly important person.

She is not from someone's imagination, but a ravishingly
Beautiful girl that has so much caring inside,
She could fill a hundred souls with love and still,
Have many times more to give.
I cannot fathom the objective for me to have met such
a woman, but am most thankful that I did.
And to live with her in my heart for all time.
To have seen such a natural work of art and,
To have touched such a masterpiece from the heavens,
Has put me in a state of wonderment and I marvel at her creation.

The adage "Beauty is only skin deep" is a bit misleading,
In that she is so unmistakably beautiful both inside and out,
I can, scarcely believe it was I that was fortunate enough to
experience her majesty.
An angel of such elegance should only have appeared to the
great, and mighty among us, but she appeared to me.

As I stared in unbelief, her soft, yet piercing eyes were burning
my soul, her smooth and flawless skin was aglow with perfection.
Her long, flowing hair was as a gentle wave in an ocean,
Filled with love and power.
Her hands were gentle and kind, and as soft as a baby lamb.
She stared into my eyes with the fierceness of a great storm,
But touched my face with the gentleness of a spring breeze.
When I touched her, I felt the sensation of indescribable warmth.
The certainty that I would always have a place in her heart was as,
Comforting to me as knowing that I had met the "perfect" woman.
As she is unobstructed of any mortal flaws, I felt compelled to tell her,
Of her beauty but could not speak in her gracious presence.
Tears began to swell from my eyes at the sheer magnitude of,
Her grand stature, as she pulled me close to her and I felt the rush of,
Power she possessed only to be known to me.

My mind began to turn to more worldy things, but perish the thought!
A true Goddess can not be dishonoured by a mere mortal.
My thoughts quickly turned back to her pensive forebodings,
And I fell off to sleep in her arms, hoping never be removed
From her warm and loving presence.

©1998 Ron Moody

With the beauty and grace of a swan gliding across
the waters of a still pond in Autumn,
So does my Princess glide across the entity
of my soul, And lights my heart as many great suns.
She fills the cold, dark corners of my heart that might
remain hidden from all but myself with images and emotions
permanently embossed in my heart and soul.
I will live the rest of my days with this piercing, inextinguishable
flame that will burn forever, even to all eternity.
How marvelous that in an instant, as the twinkling of an eye,
Can become a never ending image of beauty in a never
Ceasing setting of love and complaincy in the mind!
The magnitude of her beauty, the wisdom in her eyes, the quick
Retort of her wit, the extent of her caring is so great,
It overpowers any obstacle derived here on Earth, only
matched by the content and solace found in
The Heaven made by the Almighty God.
Such a wonderful and perfect creature, could only
Have been concieved by the Great I Am.

1997 © Ron Moody

How could I express my need for you?
Can one describe the miracle and mystery of Mother Nature?
Could the soothing, complacent sound of a bubbling brook
Deep in the forest represent a remote inkling of the
Sentiment I feel when I am with you?

It would be as difficult as explaining the beauty and warmth,
Of a fresh spring day, with the gentle breeze and warming,
Sunshine on the newly budding flowers.

The warmth of a fireplace on a cold winter's day after a freshly,
Fallen snow outside the frosted window, would scarcely
Give hint of the warmth you have provided in my heart.

1997 © Ron Moody

Love is neither mystic or scientific. It is the truest form of supernatural
Human nature, sent by the God above as a most welcomed gift to us.

Love has no bounds, it has no reason,
On the contrary, reason and bounds have love.
Love cannot be bought or sold, bartered or thrown away.
It is from deep within each of us.

Love has no cycles, it is a continuous cycle in itself.
A never ending circle of pleasing one another.
A mutual arrangement with such power that
even in death the legacy of one's love
for another lives on forever.

Love comes in many shapes, forms and sizes.
Many different colours, languages and strengths.

Love can be as small as almost nothing,
Yet as large as all creation.
As dim as the most distant star, and as bright as many Suns.
It speaks a language inperceptable to man.
It demands for the caring of all living things.

Love is so blind, we may find ourselves
marveling at the outcome of it's wonderful affects.
The beauty and caring of a loving relationship
Cannot be bought or forced,
But comes together as naturally and
beautifully as a sunset meets the horizon.

True Love, however, is reserved for a man and a women.
Two very special people, who somehow find each other and make
an unbreakable committment to one another.
Never has a more binding agreement been made and more rules
of accepted life ignored, as the power of TrueLove
always exceeds the realities of life.
What was this all about?
The Love of God, and His
gift of Love to us,
Freely distributed in any amount,at
Any time, there for the asking.
What greater miracle could we ourselves devise
in our useless search for true happiness?

None, greater than Love.

1997 © Ron Moody

Where is my Dad?

It was just a short time ago, early spring, 1954, when a doctor
came from between two swinging doors and said
to him, "you're the proud father of a baby boy"!

Dad was there..., with his gentle and loving hands, holding the tiny person in his arms.
And only a few months later, the baby was walking and holding
up his arms and smiling all the way, walking toward him
saying,"DaDa DaDa"..... I could see the loving care in his
eyes as he picked me up and held me close, that being the
first steps I'd taken.

Where is my Dad?

And then, only a few months later it seems now, in my
adolescence, in Dad's wise yet firm way, he tried to discipline
and teach me the best way he knew how to prepare me
for the hard times that were inevitably in store.
Again, he was there.

In the following years, when I was 17, he and I
were in the car, and I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket thinking it
was about time for him to know, and asked for a light.
With a mist in his eyes and a knowing look of wisdom
in them, he handed me a lighter.
His steely cold silence didn't go unnoticed.

This was also a time of enlightening for me. It was time for
my first date. I'd ask Dad for the keys to his
favourite car, and knew he wouldn't allow me to
drive it, as he didn't; at first. But a few minutes later, he
reluctantly came to the realization that his baby was growing up
and soon to be out on his own and handed me the keys. He was there again.

Where is my Dad now?

Dad was there too my little brother died. Even while he was
in what must have been a constantly tortuous pain for
him, he was trying to comfort and console my Mother and I.
Daddy was there.

Where is my Dad?
I'm looking around, but I can only see a teary blur, thinking
of where he might be! I know he's near, I can hear his voice and feel
his strong arms trying to stable me as I walk through this unknown place looking for him.
It couldn't have been 44 years since I first saw him, could it? Why, it's only been a few months!
This man I see lying helpless in a sick bed couldn't be him. Dad has always been there.

Where is my Dad?......

1997 © Ron Moody

My Father: David F. Moody May 21,1929 - Jan.7,1998

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