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Pagan Links

*Australian Pagan Web Sites
*Other Pagan Web Sites
*Mailing Lists
*IRC Channels

PAN Home


Australian Pagan Web Sites Top

* Pagan Alliance "Strength through diversity".
The national organisation of which PAN is the regional body.
This site includes good introductory information about pagan practices and traditions and has contact information for the regional bodies.

* Church of All Worlds Australian Homepage "A green Church for a green Earth".
Introduces the CAW and describes some of their approaches and Australian contacts.

* Stella Australis Australian Pagan Information
Bought to you by Laren, there are some beautiful writings on the festivals, legal positions and relevant legislation. A site definitely worth checking out!

* The Geocities Pagan Circle
Also bought to you by Laren, a directory of pagan pages on the geocities network

* NovaPagan Novocastrian Pagan Information Centre
Newcastle and Hunter Region Pagan Information including pagan events, contact list and a discussion board.

* A HREF="" Witches Workshop
'WitchesWorkshop' online. Especially for Australian witches and Australian pagans. Exploring the psychic experience of Witchcraft & Magick. Networking with Pagans, Wiccans, Shamans and Occultists Australia wide. Discussion and news, courses and circle work, and best of all its free - come join the community.

* Gateway Gathering Homepage
Homepage of the Gateway gatherings run by Mitakuye Oyasin.
Background information in: Event Review: GATEWAY2001 - Mabon 2001

* A HREF="" Marmy's Broom Closet
There are some absolutely beautiful illustrations in these pages. Many links to other Pagan sites on the net, with some beautiful meditations, ritual information and all done with an Australian focus!
site appears to be dead - 4/Sept/1999

* Pagan Awareness Network
NSW group that runs the Full Moon Circles

* Temple of Set
The Temple of Set is a Left-Hand Path magical school which has been present in Australia since 1975.
P.O. Box 666, Northbridge NSW 2063

* NewAge On-Line Australia
These pages have a lot of "new age" content on them, but there is a noticeboard where you can leave messages and contact other people who have left messages. There are a lot of Pagans looking for contacts, and this might be a good place to start if you are looking for the same sort of thing. There are also listings for events, teachers and stores along with a whole host of other exciting stuff.

* Temple of PanGaia
Queensland page, affiliated with the Church of All Worlds, contains :
  • The Temple of the Spiralled Web
  • The Temple of the Crafted Cup
  • The Temple of the Serpent's Weave

* The Coven of Lothlorien
based in Queensland, lots of Celtic tradition information.

* Church of Wicca Australia
based in Perth.

* HREF="" Applegrove
A group that run festivals and workshops in Sydney.
site appears to be dead - 4/Sept/1999

* Rune Gild
This group runs the Winter Feast in NSW.
Also on this site:
Assembly of Elder Troth
Epic Feast Pages

News: December 2000
Just a small announcement in case you have not heard. After 10 years as South Pacific region of the Rune Gild, the membership of this region have decided on a course of independence. We are now an independent organisation, "Rune-Net", a network of over 40 students dedicated to studying the runes without any other agendas.
You can check out the web site at:

* The Asatru Kindred of Australasia Incorporated
Asatru information and links.

* The Wiccan Guild of Queensland
Includes information about the legal status os witchcraft in Queensland.

* Sgiath and Fhithich
OBOD web page.

* Pagan Fantasy Themes 'n' Things
Collections of pagan graphics, screen savers etc. Also other pagan and related links.

* Wyrd Spiders home page


Other Pagan Web Sites Top

* The Witches' Voice
A vast collection of pagan information from across the world.

* Vanessa's Pagan Place
This is very informative page. Great crafts section.

* Doreen Valiente
As a tribute the the memory of Doreen Valiente this site contains a condensed history of Wicca with images from Doreen's extensive collection of artifacts and memorabilia.

* Pagan Buddies
PaganBuddies is a sister eGroups to the WitchesWorkshop and is a buddy/mentor system for Pagans. Basically, when you join the email list you will receive a questionnaire/registration form. After you send back your registration form, your membership is approved and you are able to receive and send messages on the list. Everyone on the list is either a buddy (new or someone looking to learn more) or a mentor (someone wanting to guide a buddy), so the list tends to cover a lot of practical stuff. All questions are taken seriously and no question is considered too basic or silly. We are in particular need of mentors, so if anyone feels that they would like to guide someone new to Paganism on line, please sign up by visiting our site.


Newsgroups Top

* news:alt.pagan

* news:alt.religion.wicca

* news:soc.religion.paganism

* news:aus.religion

* news:alt.magick

* news:alt.meditation


Mailing Lists Top

These groups can be accessed by going to the onelist web page ( and doing a search on the name of the email list. Then follow the instructions to sign up.

"Australian Witches Network, A discussion group on all aspects of the craft."

* PaganEvents_in_Oz
"PaganEvents_in_Oz is just that! This list is for all those people who are interested in informing and being kept informed of upcoming Pagan/Wiccan/and new age events in Australia. It is open to everyone and allows people to place notices of upcoming events, classes or just local get together. You can also just join to keep up to date with what's happening in the pagan world in Australia and locally."

* Earthwise
"We are an Australian Witchcraft/Pagan/Shamanic Community based in Sydney NSW that celebrates life in its many forms, and commit ourselves to a life that is is ethical, kindly, humanistic, ecstatic, life-affirming and ecologically sane. Our Community is eclectic; we do not follow anyone tradition. We are Pagan and live life guided by the Wiccan Rede. Together we will nurture, and support you, and each other in a spirit of co-learning about ourselves and the Earth and her Environments, human, physical and spiritual. We regard the Earth and all upon her as sacred and we worship equally a Goddess and a God."

(under construction - suggestions welcome)


Internet Relay Chat (IRC) Channels Top

* #wiccanway homepage

(under construction - suggestions welcome)


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