View Guestbook
Here are some comments by previous visitors to the
Pagan Alliance New South Wales Homepage!
Ivanivich - 09/25/99 12:02:54
My Email:stangret@hinet.net.au
Location: Bowral
| Comments:
How do I learn more; who is closest that can teach/guide me; I believe that I have unknowingly been a solitary for a long time. Having developed my own rituals, rites, procedures and perhaps beliefs.
Cloudia - 09/15/99 06:52:53
My Email:clawdeea1980@hotmial.com
Location: Canberra
Suggestions: Specific help links would be nice, so that anyone can feel supported by the people involved. Most people won't realise something until you point it out!
| Comments:
Nice web site.
LadyDragonSeer - 09/02/99 17:25:11
My Email:robnrie@dial1.net
Location: St. Clair Sydney
| Comments:
I am an eclectic solitaire who would love to chat with others who have an interest in anything to do with Spritualism, Wicca and paganism. Please feel free to email me.
Kim - 07/24/99 11:17:24
My Email:grotts@zeta.org.au
Location: Hawkesbury NSW
| Comments:
Love the site, beautifully done. Am a solitary learner with sceptical husband and family, so very solitary. Would love to hear from others who can advise me and to just have a chat about things like Wicca, paganism, nature etc. that I have no one else t
talk to about. Mail me...
Deborah Smeekens - 07/20/99 10:59:34
My Email:brucedebbie@bigpond.com.au
Location: Seven Hills - Sydney
| Comments:
Merry Meet
I am interested in meeting others or joining a group. I was a member of the Pan Alliance for some years. But let my subscription slip, this will be rectified. Up until now I have studied solo my main terests being Wicc, Celtic. I now think it is time to m
et others of the same path, to share thoughts and most importantly share knowledge.
Brightest Blessings
Luke Burles - 05/31/99 05:12:14
My URL:http://excite.com
My Email:Puma-King@excite.com
Location: Narooma N.S.W
| Comments:
This is terific exept I realy whant to become a member but I don't know how to please send e-mail.
Luke Burles - 05/31/99 05:11:44
My URL:http://excite.com
My Email:Puma-King@excite.com
Location: Narooma N.S.W
| Comments:
This is terific exept I realy whant to become a member but I don't know how to please send e-mail.
Mitsquana - 04/19/99 01:58:05
My Email:terapai@bigpond.com
Location: Cabramatta, N.S.W.
Suggestions: Perhaps some more practical methods
| Comments:
I was so happy to see there is such an organised network of pagans just like me operating in N.S.W. Thankyou so much.
I am a lonely solitary Wiccan who would love to correspond with other such people. Email me or write to: M. Cross,9 Links Avenue Cabramatta N.S.W. 2166. Thanks, and Blessed Be.
Auntlizard - 04/14/99 05:25:32
My Email:esutton@tudogs.net.au
Location: CentralCoast
| Comments:
I have joined those who are true to themselves and to Nature . It has taken many years to shake off restrictions imposed by parents and grandparents. Don't be restricted, follow your true feelings. Blessed be.
ATHENA - 04/02/99 16:57:27
My Email:zombie 13 @MSN.COM
| Comments:
Ebony - 03/17/99 07:29:43
My Email:ebony_w@hotmail.com
| Comments:
I am a NSW Wiccan. I live near Parramatta, and if anyone lives near there and is pagan, esp Wiccan, or any of the pagan religions, please please write to me!!!!
Starr - 11/25/98 05:17:48
My Email:glowingstarr@hotmail.com
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Suggestions: Some event listings
| Comments:
This site is really great. There's not that many good Aussie pages around on this topic. I am 15, and I'm looking for people in Melborne Australia. I've been doing solitary witchcraft for about 2 years now, and I'd like to join a teen coven. Pleeeeease e-
ail me!! Thanks!
Bird of sky and fish of sea,
Through the mother, blessed be...
Starr - 11/25/98 05:16:29
My Email:glowingstarr@hotmail.com
Location: Melbourne, Australia
Suggestions: Some event listings
| Comments:
This site is really great. There's not that many good Aussie pages around on this topic. I am 15, and I'm looking for people in Melborne Australia. I've been doing solitary witchcraft for about 2 years now, and I'd like to join a teen coven. Pleeeeease e-
ail me!! Thanks!
Bird of sky and fish of sea,
Through the mother, blessed be...
Taliesin - 11/18/98 14:25:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/2803/index.html
My Email:taliesin_w@yahoo.com
Location: East Coast, Australia
| Comments:
What a great thing you are doing here. It's quite rewarding to be able to bring our culture/religion/way of life to those who are seeking it, don't you think.
Keep up the good work.
Love and light,
10/26/98 13:31:02
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Wychewoman - 09/20/98 12:53:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4236
My Email:wychewoman@geocities.com
Location: Newcastle
Suggestions: Messageboard for Interaction
| Comments:
Great site Lauren...You have done us proud by displaying our religion in its true form.Keep up the good work ....and where can I get this newsletter??
Be Blessed by the power of three
T. Murray - 08/23/98 00:59:40
My Email:Finite@one.net.au
Location: Sydney
| Comments:
Its nice to see a well presented and informative pagan website. Well done. :)
Jet - 08/09/98 09:56:55
My Email:babylon@arrakis.com.au
| Comments:
Thanks for the great PAN homepage.
I am a magick man 30 yrs old, vegetarian and into Chi energy cultivation. I have a good background in Crowley-style magick. My wishes go out to the people and the planet, let's heal and shine. ALways interested in meeting people. Currently seeking (Ju
y '98) a spirited witch. IAO PAN.
Love Jet. OM.
Mike - 07/28/98 06:51:49
My Email:mwales@doh.health.nsw.gov.au
Location: Coffs Harbour
| Comments:
Stunning page and informative for a struggling solitaire. Keep up the good work..
Gaia bless you all
QuickSilver - 07/09/98 06:20:22
My Email:MUZ@idl.net.au
Location: Newcastle
| Comments:
Elvira - 06/16/98 05:18:30
My Email:elly_manson@yahoo.com
Location: Seven Hills, Sydney
Suggestions: chat room!!!
| Comments:
It's a great page, i like it cause it offers alot of informal information and that is what i'm after to be more knowledgable
Margi - 04/22/98 13:45:28
My Email:wolfie@midcoast.com.au
Location: Bellingen
| Comments:
Bush pagan/Wiccan/Thelemite just ventured into cyberland - how wonderful to discover PAN's lovely green website. Paganism used to be such a lonely path, especially for those far from the cities, but it is growing so fast it's hard to keep up with everybod
Margi - 04/22/98 13:39:09
My Email:wolfie@midcoast.com.au
Location: Bellingen
| Comments:
Bush pagan/Wiccan/Thelemite just ventured into cyberland - how wonderful to discover PAN's lovely green website. Paganism used to be such a lonely path, especially for those far from the cities, but it is growing so fast it's hard to keep up with everybod
Ella - 04/22/98 02:35:16
My Email:bondella@s054.aone.net.au
Location: Sydney
| Comments:
This is a great and informative site for all Australian pagans. Being a recent convert to wicca, I found it very interesting. Thanks.
Blessed be.
Sharon McClure - 04/02/98 16:06:45
My Email:willowcat@usa.net
Location: Sydney/Glenorie
| Comments:
Merry Meet,
I am gathering information for our Beltane handfasting.
Topics include - Ceremony, ritual, traditions, origins, music, food and beverage recipes, craft and decoration ideas, etc.
We are also in need of a licensed pagan/pagan friendly celebrant, dress maker, photographer,
folk band or harpist, flutist and fem vocals.
Our handfasting will be performed Oct 31 1998, in the Blue Mountains, Sydney,
If you could assist with any info - links -
Please e-mail - willowcat@usa.net
Bright Blessings,
Sharon & Mark ***
Jeremy Gallen - 03/24/98 01:21:27
My URL:http://come.to/kingofthehill/
My Email:jmgallen@geocities.com
Location: Copperas Cove, Texas, USA
| Comments:
Nice page! Come to mine, look around, join my mailing list if you wish, sign my guestbook, keep coming back, and tell all of your friends to do what I just told you. Thanks!
Lady Macha of the Ravens - 01/06/98 06:45:55
My Email:n//a
| Comments:
I had recently gone along to The Pagans in the Pub situated in Newtown, I was led to believe it was an open forum for like minded pagan individuals. But was alarmed well disgusted! is a better word as a aboriginal womyn was trying to explain to fellow pa
ans that the land, that was to hold an up an coming pagan events was once inhabited by particular tribes, she was rudely slandered by a what can only be classed as a white male chauvinist pig not only for her beliefs but for her on ethnic origins.
I was extremely taken back by the hole incident, I do fell strongly for the womyn and will not be returning back to the Pagans in the Pub, I feel Pagans in the pub Is a true men's club where you can smoke, and booze up!!! And deface this wonderful religio
of ours
May the goddess guide you upon this sacred brown land
Lady Macha of the Ravens
Dragon - 12/25/97 07:56:07
My Email:gratharc@magna.com.au
Location: Sydney
Suggestions: Calender
| Comments:
I have found this site to be both intresting and informative. I cant wait to visit it again in my quest for knowledge and enlightenment
sharon - 12/24/97 00:20:05
My Email:talbot; ibm
Location: Sydney, sutherland
Suggestions: Blessed be
| Comments:
I have been solitary for 3yrs and am looking for a coven in sydney, one that truely complements the gods and the goddess's. blessed be, please if you are interested please call 015 959 643 please do not be shy. hope to hear from you , also if you are new
o wicca i am happy to have a chat and help you get started.
sharon - 12/24/97 00:18:31
Location: Sydney, sutherland
Suggestions: Blessed be
| Comments:
I have been solitary for 3yrs and am looking for a coven in sydney, one that truely complements the gods and the goddess's. blessed be, please if you are interested please call 015 959 643 please do not be shy. hope to hear from you , also if you are new
o wicca i am happy to have a chat and help you get started.
Pendragon - 12/09/97 13:45:32
My Email:pendragn@om.com.au
Location: Byron Bay,NSW
Suggestions: Merry Meet!
| Comments:
New to Net. We are a small working group of Alexandrians and pleased to connect with fellow travellers in NSW.
nicole (bellthane) - 10/18/97 01:20:19
Location: newcastle, australia
Suggestions: GREAT
| Comments:
i think that if you included some spells and maybe a chat page this website would be even better
Redline - 10/16/97 04:02:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~nightmareskeep/
My Email:rude@ibm.net
Location: Vancouver, Washington USA
Suggestions: More info
| Comments:
Found your page from the GeoGuide and wanted to let you know that I find this a beautifully laid out page. Really enjoyed the information here as well. Keep up this fine work. Gorgeous design!