Not sure why, but this song always makes
me think of you. Maybe you played it in the
car when we were driving around Tucson one time.
Nonetheless, I love that song.
But then, mom's have a way of instilling
such a multitude of good memories in their
And you have given me a lifetime of sweet
memories. One's I have tried to pass on to my
children as well.
Thanks mom. Thank you for the good things
you shared. For the lessons learned and passed
on to me and sis.
I have to count myself very lucky to have a
mom that cares about me to this day.
I know many are not as fortunate to have a
mom at all, let alone as caring.
The Sunday calls to you may come on Tuesdays
or perhaps on Wednesdays as well.
But I still think of you all the time in
so many other ways.
Because a part of you is in me here,
we get to share a lot together.
May we have a good time on this Mother's Day.
I'll see to it you have a good time here.

Your loving son,

Mother's Day 2003
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