They Walked

As they walked together,
the small boy said,
"I don't see God! Show him to me."
"You must look with your other eyes,"
said the father softly.
And they walked together.

"I don't hear God, daddy."
"You must listen with a different ear son."
And they walked together.

"Daddy? I just don't feel God."
"You must feel with a new sense, son."
And they walked together.

Years later, the son wandered the path
he'd walked with his father so long ago,
his image so strong in his heart.
And he walked alone.

Topping the hill, a stunning red sunrise greeted him,
a Meadowlarks' song burst forth in joy,
and the soft breeze of scented flowers brushed his face.

And he stopped.
Eyes full of tears he saw HIM, heard HIM, and felt HIM.

Looking back,
coming up the path,
his young son scrambled up the hillside.

And they walked.
~Author~ Michael Garland