Bible Numbers and Jehovah's Witnesses



The following are the current numbers and calculations that seem to work out well for the 529 B.C. theory. No Biblical theory here, just figures right now.

1260 DAYS:
1260,1290,1335 days, Jesus' ministry, 29-33 CE 1. Applied to Jesus' ministry from Festival of Booths, Tishri 21, 29 CE through his death on Nisan 20th, 33 CE, representing half a week, approximately 3.5 years, 43 months including one intercalary month. (42 months = 1260; 43 months =1290) Pentecost is 50 days from Nisan 16 and 45 days from Nisan 21st, the day after Jesus' death, thus the end of his 3.5-year ministry.

Daniel 7:25: time, times and a half; 736-1996AD. 3.5 times: "And he will intend to change time and law, and they will be given into his hand for a time, and times and a half time." 3.5 times =1260 days = 1260 years. From 1996, 1260 years earlier is 736 A.D. (1996- 1260) 735 A.D.: Death of Venerable Bede who wrote "A History of the English Church and People" recording the final unified establishment of Easter Sunday by the Church by the time of his death, overturning the "time and law" for correct celebration and dating of "Memorial", in addition to naming it after a pagan goddess, "Oester".

1260-90,1335; Natural Israel;687-657,1947,1992 637-732, Moslem takeover of Middle East and Africa; 1947 Jews reintroduced into Israel;1947-1260=687 AD; Muslin mosque gets built over temple mound; 1947+45 (1335 days), Jewish Messiah installed as king, 1992, midweek (1989- 1996).

Jewish 50th Jubilee from 455 BC, 1996 From 455 BC, 50x49=2450 years = 1996 (2450-454=1996). 49th Jubilee = 49 years earlier = 1947 (1996-49=1947).

36 CE=four days of 490 years each to 1996 Jubilee period of 490 years = one "weekday." 4x490=1960+36=1996. Five days back to 455 BC (490=35=455). As above 490x5=2450-454=1996.

Seven days back to Moses, Age 30, from 1996. Total of 7 days back to Moses, age 30. (7x490=3430- 1995=1435 B.C.) Moses was 120 when he died, 40 years after the Exodus, thus 80 years at Exodus, minus 50 years=30 years of age; the same age Jesus was when he began his ministry. The entire period from Exodus to release from exile was 930 years, 455+930=1385+1=1386 B.C. (See below for calculation.)

2300 mornings and evenings; 1886 and 1776 A.D. Calculated both as 2300 years with 220-year offset and half that of 1150 years with 110-year offset. (2300/2=1150).

Applicable to special events in J-Witness history. The ratio of 2300 to 2520 as well as 1150 to 1260 is 12:11. Essentially, representing the offset of the 12th tribe, the priestly tribe of Levi from the other 11 tribes.

110-year Offset/1150 years: From 1996, 1150 with 110-year offset gives you =1886 A.D., which is when the first "Studies in the Scriptures" was published by IBSA, the beginning of their special commission as the "temple" class organization.

From 1996, the 1260 days begins in 736 BC, see above. 1886 would be the beginning of "temple" being brought "back into its right condition."

220-year Offset/2300 years: 2520 years from 1996 is 525 B.C., beginning of 70-year desolation period, based upon 529 BC chronology. (2520- 1995=525BC). 220-year offset from 1996 is 1776 A.D. (1996-220=1776). This is a significant date for WBTS, believe it or not, since this year meant independence for British colonies thanks to George Washington! In that year a thick "divine" fog occurred which allowed Washington's troops to cross the channel from "Brooklyn Heights", escaping British detection; believed by Bethelites to be God's divine intervention to assist George Washington to establish a free country in which great freedom of speech and religion would prevail, thus providing a safe base of operations and headquarters for the establishment of WBTS. WTS Headquarters were built on shore of Brooklyn Heights at that very spot. (This story is what is told to visitors of Brooklyn Bethel by their tour guides.) Needless to say, rather strange and mysterious things continue to happen around Brooklyn Bethel.

ALSO, 1886 A.D. = Total Covenant Period If you calculate 36 CE as the breakoff point for the covenant period that began when God made his covenant with Abraham, and project those same years from 36 C.E. into the future, you come up with, again 1886 A.D., the beginning of the Covenant Period with JWs. (?)

It is calculated thus: 490 years from 36 C.E. back to 455 B.C., dated the 1st of Cyrus, return from Babylon. From there, back another 930 years to the Exodus. (930 is derived from 390+40=430 years for missed sabbaths. 430 years is doubled to represent entire period of missed and kept sabbaths which would be 860 years, to which is added in the pay-back 70-year sabbath period, which is 930 years total, representing 19 Jubilees (19x49=931). Thus from Exodus to return from exile is 931 years, 1386 to 455 B.C.

To this we add another 430 years for the beginning of the Abrahamic Covenant, in 1815 A.D. (1385+430=1815). Thus from 36 CE back to 455 BC is 490 years, added to 930 years to the Exodus = 1420 years, added to another 430 years for the beginning of the Abrahamic Covenant = 1850 years total. That is, 1850 years from beginning of Abrahamic Covenant to End of Covenant in 36 CE. When you add the same 1850 years to 36 CE, though, going forward into the future, you get, again, 1886 B.C., the alleged beginning of the special Christian Covenant with WBTS, a 110-year period ending in 1996.

OTHER MODERN DATES/EVENTS: Martin Luther = rebuilding of Jerusalem, 1506 A.D. From 455 BC until 36 CE represented a rebuilding of Jerusalem period until the Messiah arrived during the last week. 1996-490 = 1506 A.D. Around 1505-1506 is the time when Martin Luther decided to become a monk, thus is significant for the beginning of a restoration of true worship since he began the Protestant Movement. This would imply, therefore, that the final "covenant temple group" would come out of Protestantism.

That's it folks. I apologize but 1914, 1925 and 1975 didn't really come up in these particular calculations. I'll try to squeeze them in somehow later on.

(Note: If little of this made sense, don't worry about it; save this as a reference text to refer to later.)

For more information on other true and false teachings of Jehovah's witnesses, please see article: "Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs."

For more information about 529 BC dating and eclipses, see article:"529 B.C. Dating - Five Eclipses"


Last Updated - 9/17/97

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