Hi! I'm Anaidis.

I signed up on 08/24/97, but haven't completely moved in yet.

My interests are:
God's word the Bible, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Biblical chronology.

The description of my page is:
Studying about life and science,
ancient Assyrian, Neo-Babylonian and Greco-Persian history,
and how this all affects Bible chronology.
Come here to find out the truth
about what the Bible really teaches.


See 709 B.C. eclipse!

This solar eclipse helps correctly date the Assyrian Eponym List
to 709 B.C. which coordinates well with the Bible's absolute chronology of
Jerusalem's destruction not in 607 B.C. or 586 B.C., but in 529 B.C.!

Jehovah's Witnesses Beliefs

What do Jehovah's Witnesses believe? A brief breakdown of some of the true teachings of JWs; along with a few of their current false teachings, some of which most witnesses themselves are completely unaware of. This is a must see for every sincere Witness! All scriptural texts quoted in full from NWT, so drop by for a quick review!

"Darius I, Xerxes and Nehemiah"

See this famous "photo" of Nehemiah in an ancient bas-relief from Persepolis! Nehemiah was Cupbearer not only during the reign of Artaxerxes but also during the reign of Darius I. This is a rare ancient bas-relief that shows the famous rebuilder of Jerusalem's walls.


For more information about Jerusalem's fall in 529 BC dating, see article:
"Biblical Numbers Fulfilled by Jehovah's Witnesses"

For more information about the 529 BC dating and supportive historical eclipses discussion, see article:
"529 B.C. Dating - Five Eclipses"

For more information about the 529 BC dating and Revised Judean King List Chart, see article:
"Revised Judean Kings List"

For more information regarding "70 Weeks" Prophesy in an excellent and comprehensive article written by Philip Mauro, see:
"Seventy Weeks"

Email me at "anaidis@geocities.com" in the meantime.
Please come back soon and visit me.

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