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Welcome to our page. TRENDS (Home page) is a European project for the training of the teachers of Secondary Education and Official Language Schools in the use of  information technologies and telematics, and in their application to the teaching-learning process. We hope you and your students will find this page helpful and also have hours of fun using it.
There are links to the following areas:

Activities, au pair web pagechat, common errors, crossword puzzles, culture, dictionaries, ESP, examinations, exchanges, fairy tales and fables, games, grammar, history of English, idioms, jobs, jokes, listening, magazines, journals and newspapers, mail lists for EFL, miscellaneous trivia, news, parents' pages, penpals, phrasal verbs, pronunciation, punctuation, reading comprehension, reading resources, quizzes, research projects, search engines, skills,slang, songs, speaking, spelling, students' pages, teachers' pages, testing, theatre for schools, translation programmes, translators' and interpreters' resources, vocabulary, web for schools, where to ask questions, writing resources


Ernie’s activity page
Cutting Edge CALL demos
BBC Drama activities


Au-pair box


Espanglish Chat
Chat for students at IES INFANTA ELENA from Galapagar Madrid.
The ESL/Language chatboard
This place is for open and free exchange of teaching ideas.
English for Internet
CRIBE (Chat Room In Broken English)
- real time text chat room for non-native English users and everyone tolerant of misspelling.
Chat with a pop star


Common errors in English


Crossword Puzzles for ESL Students (Over 30)
Crossword world cup 98


Rule Britannia (music only)
Welcome to the Ten Downing Street Web Site
10 Downing Street Web Site. Live broadcasts, open discussions, U.K. today.
Government Information service
Perhaps the two most useful additions to this indispensable site about government and its functions are the Official British Monarchy site, and the searchable transcripts of the House of Commons business from the House of Commons and House of Lords (Hansard). To find Hansard choose the 'organisational' index and then select Hansard choosing House of Commons or House of Lords. Surely the most significant British Studies resource to appear on the WWW to date.
Royal Network
More light-hearted than the official site.
The Prince of Wales
Online forum
The Victorian web. Very good interdisciplinary overview of the Victorian period. Attractive easily navigable site especially suited to survey courses looking at Empire and the antecedents of British 20th Century Culture.
A salute to flag day
Fourteen activities to help your students to celebrate June 14th Flag Day. Each one of these entries is a page and it offers many others but I leave it to the curious teacher/student.
The History of Flag Day (a page)
The Pledge of Allegiance (a page)
The History of the Flag (a page)
Evolution on the United States Flag (a page)
And many others to follow.
Ireland through the ages:
American recipes
Travel: countries and cities
Understanding American Football
This is a recently published book which explains the game, its vocabulary and its role in U.S. culture for people from other countries and/or whose native language is not English.
The White House
Guided tour. Give some advice to the president.
CIA World factbook
Perfect for a school project though not quite enough for a military takeover.
Library of Congress
America's story in words, sounds and pictures. Described as one of the seven wonders of the Internet.
Museums around the world


A web of on-line dictionaries
Now linked to more than 500 dictionaries of over 140 different languages.
(European Union Dictionary, a translator's best friend on the web)
Travlang's translating dictionaries
The Alternative Dictionaries
A motley collection of slang dictionaries,in different languages, definitely NOT to show your grandmother.
Webster's dictionary
Roget's Thesaurus
Encyclopedia Britannica
One week free.


Foreign languages for travellers
Medical English quiz
Computer English quiz
English for special purposes
Business letters
Business professionals' pages


Official Toefl page and sample exam questions
Language testing
Links to many official exams.
Bank of exams and exercises
Specially designed for teachers of  3º- 4º de E.S.O. , 1º- 2º de  Bachillerato,  1º- 2º- 3º de BUP y COU.


Youth for Understanding
Organisation for world-wide exchanges


Grimm Fairy Tales
Fluency through fables
With vocabulary, matching, true/false, comprehension and written discussion exercises.


One world, one people
John and Sarah’s Tefl pitstop: Hexagons, How much will you bet, Battle Spaceships, The Alphabet Game
Trivial (177 questions)
Trivial (80 questions)
The Learning Group: personalized learning games
Guess the Dictator/Sitcom Character
Assume a character, and answer yes/no questions until the computer figures you out.


Guide to Grammar and Writing
Grammar for English Language Learners
Self-Study Quizzes for EFL Students
The Lingua Center’s Grammar Safari
Interactive English Language Exercises
CNN Newsroom & worldview for ESL
The war on drugs
Flooding in China
 Immigrants rush for citizenship
A Web of On-line Grammars
Cobuilder's weekly commentary on current English.
Index Map for Exploring English
An elementary grammar
English Grammar links for ESL students
with a new "for teachers section".
Bank of exams and exercises
Specially designed for teachers of  3º- 4º de E.S.O. , 1º- 2º de  Bachillerato,  1º- 2º- 3º de BUP y COU.
Invaluable resource for the hurried but demanding teacher. High quality material e-mailed  promptly and free.


English and its history


The Weekly Idiom
Every two weeks, The Comenius Group provides a new idiom to assist students of English.


Empresa de trabajo temporal por internet especializada en sustituciones en secondary schools
en el Reino Unido por profesores extranjeros. Con toda la información precisa incluyendo un
útil resumen del sistema educativo británico.


Jokes for the English as a second language classroom
Jokes for ESL Class
Humour database
Thousands of jokes searchable by age, topic, keyword or popularity.


Listen to spoken English
Worldwide radio schedules
Sounds and sights
Make use of the many radio stations that broadcast by streaming sound files, no download! Listen to accents, use news and other programs as listening exercises, discuss current events.
Live concerts
Police scanner
Live police, fire, aviation and racetrack scanner feeds piped into real audio. Listen in to real busts in progress.
BBC World Service
BBC News
Choice of audio or video.


Internet TESL Journal
Soon online magazine
An easy-English web magazine for the world. Free copies posted for class.
EFLWEB is an on-line magazine for those teaching and learning English as a Foreign Language.
Topics: an online magazine by and for learners of English
News, puzzles, games, chat, links to many other publications.
The on-line subscription is cheaper than the print one and offers a wonderful archive service
(with, among others, a style guide for writing and a search machine that gets you everything
published about your requested topic since 1995). Encyclopedically addictive.
Registration is free and includes access to five full articles.
Reader’s Digest
The Times, Sunday Times, Times Literary,  Education and Higher Education Supplements (TLS, TES and THES):
Virtually complete e-versions of the daily and Sunday newspapers plus highlights from the two supplements but few pictures. Registration is required but the site is free. The Times Literary Supplement now includes an archive of past issues older than six months if you subscribe to the print version and there are similar benefits for THES readers.
The Electronic Telegraph
Almost complete e-versions of the daily and Sunday newspapers with a few photos. Good search/archive facility. Its obituaries are particularly well-written and useful. Registration is required but the site is free.
The On-line Mirror
The Daily Mirror on-line features a generous selection of its reports and features and a camera watching the building progress of the Millennium Dome from the vantage of Canary Wharf in London's docklands.
The Guardian
Not an electronic version of The Guardian daily but a high quality selection of themes: sport, key articles from the previous year, a very good job finder, and perhaps most fascinatingly, the feature, Notes & Queries, questions and answers to such head-scratchers as "Why is a full cooked English breakfast (amongst other things) sometimes referred to as "the full Monty?"
Online newspapers
Links to newspapers all over the world, including the unreported news.
BOPCAS: British Official Publications Current Awareness Service.
The Independent
It has a section on education: education +
Network (BBC World Service)
Journals and publications
The TEFL Farm
Tefl on-line publication


Name: TESL-L
Address: listserv@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Address: listserv@thecity.sfsu.edu
Address: majordomo@man.ac.uk
Address: MailServ@levels.unisa.edu.au
Address: listserv@cunyvm.cuny.edu
English-L Online Community
English-L is a mailing list where international learners discuss studying English as a Second Language (ESL).


Miscellaneous trivia


BBC news
News Index
Search current news across a massive list of international online newspapers and news sources.


Family education
Advice for parents about teaching their children how to use the Internet.
Sesame Street
Parents' Guide to the Internet


eMail Classroom Exchange (ECE)
epals search engine provides students with an opportunity to meet and correspond with other students from around the World! Search our on-line database of classrooms or add yours to our search engine for free. Entertaining, fun and educational - Email Classroom Exchange is perfect for cultural, history, science or geography projects. Through electronic Mail, Internet voice communications, and the WWW, photographs, images, sound and video clips can be shared at virtually no expense.
Pen Pal Directory
For young people and teachers.


Phrasal verb page


Phonetic chart


Punctuation between two independent clauses
Other punctuation marks besides the comma


Self-study quizzes for ESL students:
Trivia, Culture, Sports and General Knowledge quizzes:
Flags and Countries Quiz
Grammar quizzes:
Interactive English language exercises (International House)
Grammar quizzes
The ESL Quiz Center
Idioms, Phrasal Verbs and Slang quizzes
Idioms, words and slang
Vocabulary quizzes:
Interactive English language exercises
Vocabulary Quizzes
Homonym quizzes
Scrambled words quizzes
Quizzes by Leticia Bradley (155)
Quizzes by Vera Mello(208)
Miscellaneous trivia
Test your English
All levels, many types and different registers,  including ESP.
English tests and quizzes


Reading comprehension : Quizzes (Not for beginners)
LSAT reading comprehension
TOEFL Practice Questions
Beth Israel Health Risk Assessment


Reading resources for teachers
Reading resources for English language learners
Online children’s stories
Online libraries
Internet public library Online texts Browser
The Reading Room
The Naked Word
Reading Resources for English Language Learners
Reading Resources for Teachers
Includes reading skills and strategies
Exploring literature
The Internet Public Library
Links to thousands of online books, magazines, journals and newspapers.
The complete works online + discussion and resources..


Research and Evaluation of Modern Foreign Languages
Using the Target Language: A View from the Classroom
Some sites with both practical and theoretical approaches to IT and FLT including software archives.


Education World
A search engine on education topics
Top Ten Search
The Web Guide for Kids


Selected Links for ESL students
Reading skills


ESL slang page
Common American Slang
Over 280 expressions
Bad language
This series will tell you the best kept secrets in the English language. Because the British are shy when it comes to talking about their bodies and what comes out of them, foreign learners often spend their lives not knowing the correct language for the most important things they do. The authors think that you should not only understand what the various words and phrases mean, but also learn when and when not to use them.
Bad language 2
WARNING: This site contains sexually explicit language learning material.


Yellow Rose of Texas (music only)
All Lyrics
Ernie’s EFL Song Page
American songs


Conversation Questions (Over 500)
The English Teacher's Assistant Newsletter
Monthly Discussion Topics for Classes (Subcription form)
Teachers for Christ
Discussion Topics for Mother’s Day (for Christian teachers)
Learning Oral English Online


Some rules and suggestions about spelling
Rules, suggestions and quizzes
A Spelling Test


Dave's ESL café
Trinity College London
To be launched in the near future
Club de Colaboración Académica
Club for academic collaboration. Notes, assignments, links, exams.
The Digital Education network
English exercises, dictionary, courses in different countries.
LinguaCenter Homepage
Web Basics for Beginners
How to use the web for learning English.
Sesame Street  (For the very young and not so young)
Aprender Inglés
Learn and improve your English
The easy English advice help page for learners
Charles Kelly
Daily page for students of English
The Comenius English Language Center
The Comenius group is developing this site so that students of English from around the world can have online access to relevant materials, services and products.
Digital Education. English language teaching and learning section
Resources, forums and information for those teaching or learning English as a foreign language.
English for Internet
Free online English language classes in grammar, reading, speaking, reading, writing, TOEFL and ESP.
Andreas Lunt: English as a second, a foreign, another language
The following links, activities and projects are useful for teachers and learners of English as Another Language (including    English as a Foreign or Second Language [EFL/ESL]).
BBC World Service
Language learning
This page contains information and resources for teachers and students of English as a second language (ESL) and English
as a foreign language (EFL). The articles give practical hints and suggestions for learning and teaching any language quickly.
English Learning Funsite
Grammar, Idiom, Vocabulary, Slang, Pronunciation, Accent Reduction & Listening Comprehension Activities. Some free activities.
The ESL Hub
The informative site for EFL students. The author says: "I've found that my students like to use the internet for lots of different things; finding travel information, learning idioms and slang, reading newspapers, and learning about American culture, among other things. In creating the ESL hub, I've tried to incorporate these elements. I also wanted to give students a place where they could easily come into contact with each other - through a chat room, and through my keypal list. And last but not least, I've found very few resources for ESL students seeking online tutorials, and even fewer proofreading and editing services intended specifically for learners of English as a second language, so I've added those services to the ESL Hub as well."
ESL Study Hall
Planet English
For students and teachers of ESL/EFL including language lessons, chat, message boards, bookstore, software jobs, and study grammar.
Volterre-FR English and French Language Resources
Resources for teachers, learners, lovers of English and French.
English as a second language
Organised in a similar way to this page.
Wicked stuff for English learners
The Linguistic Funland
Linguistic Funland!
World of English
ESL/EFL for teachers and students
EFL resources
ESL-EFL resources
English Now
Kid Pub
No drinks served here, just thousands of stories submitted by kids worldwide.
Kids' Space
Free hideout for kids to swop art, music and stories with new friends across the world.
Karin's ESL Partyland
There are 25 discussion forums, an interactive quiz center, links, and more.
Mansión inglés
Se trata de una web totalmente gratuita en español destinada al aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Contiene una gran cantidad de material educativo, incluyendo un completo curso multimedia de aprendizaje, gramática, ejercicios, libros, lecturas, programas educativos para descargar, y todo un conjunto de recursos   complementarios para profesores y estudiantes.


Dave's ESL café
For Teachers of English
Trinity College London
The Digital Education Network
English exercises, dictionary, courses in different countries, job centre.
English as a Second Language
LinguaCenter Homepage
CNN Newsroom and Worldview for ESL
Grammar and vocabulary exercises as well as speaking and writing discussion questions for ESL students.
ALTA: Association for Language Teaching Advancement
The British Council, English language
The Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research
Aprender Inglés
Internet TESL Journal
English teacher's page
Charles Kelly
The Comenius English Language Center
The Comenius group is developing this site so that teachers of English from around the world can have online access to relevant materials, services and products.
Digital Education. English language teaching and learning section
Resources, forums and information for those teaching or learning English as a foreign language.
English Direct
You will find ready-to-teach materials, information about Britain and other English-speaking countries, pages where you
can brush up your command of English and lists of some of the more useful places on the Web which are relevant to EFL teachers. New materials and sites are being added all the time, including downloadable teaching materials as shareware.
English language webpages
English for Internet
Free  classes in teaching English online.
Andreas Lunt: English as a second, a foreign, another language
The following links, activities and projects are useful for teachers and learners of English as Another Language (including English as a Foreign or Second Language [EFL/ESL]).
BBC World Service
Language learning
This page contains information and resources for teachers and students of English as a second language (ESL) and English
as a foreign language (EFL). The articles give practical hints and suggestions for learning and teaching any language quickly.
Planet English
For students and teachers of ESL/EFL including language lessons, chat, message boards, bookstore, software jobs, and study grammar.
Volterre-FR English and French Language Resources
Resources for teachers, learners, lovers of English and French.
TESL Teaching English as a Second language
Lesson plans and other resources for the busy ESL/EFL teacher.
The Linguistic Funland
Linguistic Funland!
ESL/EFL for teachers and students
EFL resources
ESL-EFL resources
EFL resources for teachers
English Now
Karin's ESL Partyland
There are 25 discussion forums, an interactive quiz center, lots of lesson plans and printable
materials to use in class, links, and more.
Mansión inglés
Se trata de una web totalmente gratuita en español destinada al aprendizaje del idioma inglés. Contiene una gran cantidad de material educativo, incluyendo un completo curso multimedia de aprendizaje, gramática, ejercicios, libros, lecturas, programas educativos para descargar, y todo un conjunto de recursos   complementarios para profesores y estudiantes.

Resources in lasnguage testing
The Language Tester's Guide to Cyberspace
Language testing
Links to tests and other resources
Computer based testing
The Anglo European Interactive  English Assessment.


Live Language Theatre
Yahoo's plays
Yahoo's links to online plays
Interactive drama


Altavista Translation
Simultrans Software
Translation tips and resources, humour page and translation contest.
Translation Trados Software  (free trial)
Déjà Vu (free trial, but complicated to use)
Systran Classic   (free test)
A family of  IBM translation programs


Recursos para traductores e intérpretes
Resources provided by the Facultat de Traducció i d’Interpretació de Cataluña.
Other Interesting WWW-Pages for Translators and Interpreters
Internet y Traducción
Universidad Alfonso X
Rincón del traductor
Página dedicada a las cuestiones de la traducción al español. Artículos, debates y publicaciones sobre este tema. Anuncios gratuitos de servicios profesionales.
The International Federation of Translators
Conferencia Internacional de Centros Universitarios de traducción
Asterisks.com  (Translation company)
META: translators' journal
(The translators’ Bible)
Ten useful Internet sites for an English-Spanish-English translation course
Técnicas de traducción inglés-español (course at Jaen University)
The Translators' Home Companion
Translators on the web webring


Self-Study Quizzes for ESL Students
Interactive English Language Exercises
Words that could be confusing and embarrassing in The UK &US
CNN Newsroom & worldview for ESL
Harming the environment
The debate over the great famine
“A Word a Day”
Focusing on Words
A vocabulary programme with a list of word activities. It focuses on the Latin and Greek elements used in English.
This page is an example of it:
Sensory words
10 questions on sensory words. Self-evaluation.
English Style Guide
This Style Guide is intended primarily for English-language staff and freelance translators working for the
European Commission's Translation Service.


Web for Schools is a project involving over 700 European secondary school teachers. The goal of the project is to enable and assist those teachers, their colleagues and pupils, to demonstrate ways in which they can use the Internet in the educational process. A detailed explanation of Web for Schools is contained in CONTEXT magazine.


English Consulting and Language Reference Services
(4$ per question)
Dave's ESL Question page
Ask Grammar


Writing Resources for English Language Learners
Writing Resources for Teachers
Guide to grammar and writing
Laura's Digital Postcard Shop
Choose a picture, background, music.....write your note and send it!
Card central
You can send free multimedia cards from hundreds of sites.
The writing centre
A selection of the areas of writing that are most likely to trouble students.
Index Map for Exploring English
A vey complete guide to writing, from parts of speech to complex sentences. It includes vocabulary and style elements and reference materials.
Business letters
PIZZAZ writing resources
PIZZAZ! is dedicated to providing creative writing activities and copyable handouts for use with students of all ages. Opportunities for publishing students' work.
The Yarn
In this story you'll be faced with two options at the end of every chapter. You can read another or contribute your own.
Complaint Letter Generator
Humorous. For advanced students.
English style guide

Page created by:
Ana González (EOI Burgos)
Jaime Macho and Conrado Álvarez (IES Leopoldo Cano, Valladolid)
Yolanda Pérez (EOI Logroño)
Emma de la Torre and Susan Thurgood (EOI Jesús Maestro, Madrid)

 Please come back soon and visit us.

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 Last updated 18-1-2004

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