Useful Links

The saving of the Jews: The Case of Mother Maria

A Martyr of Nazi Oppression

Photo Gallery - Elizaveta Skobtsova; Righteous Among the Nations

Maria Skobtsova: Woman of Many Faces, Mother in Many Ways
by Father Michael Plekon ["Jacob's Well" - Fall-Winter, 1999-2000]

An Excerpt from "The Path of the Righteous"
Elizabeta Skobtsóva

Mother Maria of Paris and "New Monasticism

Mother Maria and the Trash Can Rescue

"In Communion" Articles - "Mother Maria Skobtsova: Saint of the Open Door"

Mother Maria Voice of Russia article

Mother Maria - A Saint for our Day
Article from the Saint Nina Quarterly

Proclamation of Future Canonization and Short Vitae

A poem written in honor of Mother Maria by Carol Dine.

The Martyrdom of Marie Skobtsova

Mother Maria Skobtsova
A poem written by Caroline Parker

The relevance of western post Holocaust theology to the thought and practice of the Russian Orthodox Church.
A paper given at the second conference on 'Theology after Auschwitz and the Gulag'
(Saint Petersburg 1998) by Sergei Hackel.

Photos from the Ravensbrück Concentration Camp

Ravenbruck - A YouTube Video

Ravensbruck Memorial Museum

The Women of Ravensbrück: Portraits of Courage

Women of Ravensbrück: Portraits of Courage

Sister Elise Rivet
A Catholic nun who died on the same day as Mother Maria at Ravenbruck

A book review by Jerry Ryan of the National Catholic Review

Women and the Holocaust
Bibliography, The Resistance, Underground, Partisans, and Rescuers of Jews. Includes a section of books written about Mother Maria.

The Story of Barbara Szymanska Makuch

Holocaust History Project

Interview with Felicia Fuksman -
A Survivor of the Ravensbrück Camp

Map of Concentration Camps and Killing Centers

EarthStation1's WWII Sounds & Pictures Page: Wavs and Images of the Holocaust Includes a 1945 Mutual Radio Network report on Ravensbrück's Concentration Camp for women in Real Audio.

Holocaust Poems

Yad Vashem - "The Righteous Among the Nations"
The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority

Blessed are They Which are Persecuted for Righteousness' Sake!

Saints of the Orthodox Church

Canonization of Saints

Communion with the Saints

What We Believe About the Saints

Prayer of Saint Polycarp, Bishop of Smyrna (+156)
at the Time of His Martyrdom

Tertullian's "To the Martyrs"

"Deus Tuorum Militum" - A Sixth Century Hymn
in Praise of the Martyrs

"Christ is Risen - 1945 in Dachau"

Photo of Bishop Chrysostomos - Greek Rescuer of Jews in WWII

"The Secret Room" The Story of Corrie Ten Boom

Address of the
Ecumenical Patriarch + Bartholomew
at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum,
Washington, DC

Pope John Paul II'S Teaching on the Martyrs of our Century

Homily of Pope John Paul II Witness to the Faith in the 20th Century.

Ecumenical Commemoration of Witnesses to the Faith in the 20th CenturyHeld at the Colosseum, Rome, May 7, 2000.

The Historical Orthodox Deaconess

Raymond J. Mastroberte - Orthodox Christian Iconographer

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