I have never met him, have never even talked to him. But still, I feel I know the man, know what he felt
and the way he wanted the Assamese people to forge Assam’s destiny. Maybe, this is not only me but all
these who have gone through his songs will enumerate the same anecdote. Those who knew him as a
person, might have some other story to recount, but for innumerable fans including me, he is simply –
magic. And perhaps the underlying impulse within his every number, that thrive to stimulate a sense of
nationalism and oneness among the aboriginal of the region and that which are presented in an
impromptu, casual manner was what his magic all about. To quote noted writer Sri Chandra Prasad
Saikia, "His songs carry the glories of the great Assamese history and tradition, which continue to enable
the Assamese people to face the new day, fearlessly and confidently".
O bandhu, somoi pale
Amaar phale ebar aahi jaaba
Sahaj saral gawar jeevan
Khyantek roi saba.
Jan bahaanar sujog naai
Auhotiya amaar thai
Baat bolote hoito bandhu Anek dukhei paba
Ebar ahi jaaba ...
The prototypical Rudra Barua numbers like this one has for decades enthralled people
across the valleys and the plains and still continue to bridge the gap between the rural
and urban populace. Every time one listens to his numbers floating in from the radio,
they are bound to feel like having understood the man more closely, than ever.
Paka dhanar maje maje
Soru soru ali oi, soru soru ali
Alit pori geet jore jakk balimahi
Heem sesa botah ahi dhaan gole sumi
Dawaniya halot kachi khorai lole tuli Soru soru ali ...
Centered around the innocence of the rural populace and their humble lifestyle, Rudra
Barua’s songs are some of the finest offerings in the field of Assamese music. However,
somebody on the very first hearing may tend to classify his songs as magnificent imagination and soulful
fantasy only, but the truth is that they are not. Infact his songs were born out of his closest attachment
with the rural background of Assam, an attachment that began from the banks of the river Kollong.
Musician, writer, actor, promoter and above all a great singer, who is known as the kollongparia geetikaar,
Rudra Barua was born in the year 1926 at Bhimor village near Puranigudam in the district of Nagaon.
Unfortunately, when his father Barada Kanta Barua predeceased wife Hiralata Barua and two daughters,
Rudra Barua was only nine. For the next couple of decades, the family had to pass through some real
tough times. Because of financial hardship, Rudra Barua could not excel in his academic life. He had to do
very hard labour but somehow he managed to continue his studies. And weathering all these storms, he
started to write songs while he was only at the eight standard. The sankari culture and tradition, as was
prevalent in the then undivided Nagaon district swayed him immensely and this was when a desire to start
a career in culture took place within him.
Since his childhood he used to take part in most of the religious and cultural ceremonies of the area that
included Bhoana, Naam Prasanga to the auspicious Tithi Ustav (birth and death anniversary) of the great
Vaishnavaite saint Sankardeva as well as Madhavdeva.
He began his college education at the Nagaon town, where luckily, he got financial help from a number of
well to do families of the town. And it happened only because of his decency and his prized quality that
empowered him to sing beautifully. He started singing his songs in most of the functions organised in
Nagaon which made him popular day by day. Within that time he began acting too. The local Amolapatty
Natya Mandir used to be a prestigious platform for showcasing skills of cultural excellence and it was
where Rudra Barua found a secure home for portraying his talents. Slowly, he came in contract with some
of the noted actors of that period like Chandra Phukan, Sarada Bardoloi and others.
When he passed the IA exam in 1947 he had to proceed for Shillong as the then capital town of Assam
was a glittering land of hope. Immediately, he got a job through one of his relatives living in Shillong but he
didn’t stop his education and got himself admitted into the night shift of the St Anthony’s College. By the
time he completed his graduation in 1951 he had became an active cultural worker of Shillong being
member of various organisations such as the Shillong Kola Porishad, Shrimanta Sankardev Natya Samaj,
Shillong Mukul Sangha, Shreemanta Sankardev Kristi Kendra (Bishnupur), Laban Namghar, Asomiya
Namghar (Jail Road), Madhavdev Namghar and others. His popularity among the senior and respected
Assamese citizens of Shillong also increased within these time and apart from them he also got
influenced by some of the greatest exponents of the Sankari culture of that period like late Jiveshwar
Goswami, late Girikanta Mahanta and others, whose guidance enabled him to know more about the great
Sankari culture.
As an active member and grassroot worker of Shillong Kola Porishad, Rudra Barua took part in numerous
dramas, Bhoanas and dance dramas and even went to far off places of the country for participating in
various festivals. Later, when the capital of Assam was shifted to Guwahati, Shillong Kola Porishad too
had to be shifted to Guwahati and Rudra Barua also joined the cultural department and settled down in
Guwahati. But, the memories of Shillong, of its colourful people and the green hills kept on haunting him
and Rudra Baruah penned down –
Umiam Umiam senehi noi
Bukure bedana bujaba noari Ushupi thakili boi
Tore pare pare Bali bhoj patilo
Tore sole sole/Safuri phurilo Ulahat utala hoi ...
Joining the Cultural Department, Rudra Barua began enriching the treasure trove of Assamese music as
he got the chance to concentrate wholeheartedly on the same. Apart from singing and writing songs, he
also continued acting in Assamese films and dramas. But perhaps, his greatest contribution to the field of
Assamese art will be his untiring efforts to bring out the hidden talents to the forefront. Rudra Barua is one
among the few Assamese who left no stone unturned in bringing out the best talents from the abyss of
uncertainty. During his lifetime, he helped many singers, actors, performers and artists to come out from
the unknown villages and perform their art. For the upliftment of the Assamese artists and performers and
also for the development of the overall scenario, he submitted many a proposal to the government and was
trying to implement them when he fell seriously ill and was flown to Madras where on 14th February, 1980
he left for his heavenly abode. Assam lost one of its worthy sons.
It is really tragic to note that against his life long devotion and sacrifice for the upliftment of Assamese
culture, we could pay him nothing. He fought, all through his life for the peoples cause, sang from deep in
side his heart where every tune reflected his moribund effort to awaken the Assamese society, and now
twenty years have passed since he died, but not even a posthumous recognition has been conferred upon
this great singer son of Assam, which clearly proves how selfish and ungrateful we Assamese people are.
There’s no many organisation that make a hue and cry in the name of Assamese culture, so many people
speaking out in favour of the same, but nobody ever raised a voice in his favour. For Rudra Barua’s untiring
efforts for the upliftment of the downtrodden, he should have been conferred with a national recognition like
Sangeet Natak Academy award or something like that, but how that can happen when the very people for
whom he did so much are silent, letting even his memories fade away so easily.
Perhaps, today people have forgotten him for he is long dead but still Rudra Barua will continue to
allure us and everytime the Assamese society went through an emergency he will continue to empower us
with his golden voice that’s still afresh and alive in our hearts.