" A student is not above his teacher, but everyone, when he is fully trained would be like his teacher" Luke 6:40


Email: fotelaja@yahoo.com


B.S. Electrical Engineering, Howard University

Research Interests

Biomedical Engineering : BioMems and bionanotechnology; biomedical applications of carbon nanotubes

Micro/Nanoscale Fabrication : MEMS/NEMS


Otelaja, O.,, Gatica, S.M., Misra, P (2007). " Formation of Nanobubbles on Graphite Immersed in Water." 1st W.M. Keck Foundation/ Howard University Nanotechnology Symposium, Washington, DC. November 5-6 2007.[Poster].

Otelaja, O., and Yang, L (2007). “Humidity Control Instrumentation for Sample Chambers Used in X-ray Scattering Experiments,” Brookhaven National Laboratory Summer Internship Symposium, Long Island, NY, August 8-9, 2007. [Poster]. Abstract.


Tau Beta Pi; Howard Capstone Scholarship; NSBE National Scholarship ; Focus Scholar, Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007; Shell Petroleum Nigeria National Merit Scholarship; Federal Government of Nigeria National Merit Scholarship 2005.


Thisday Online, Laser Spectroscopy Lab, Fego Alums, nanoHUB online simulations

Created by Femi Otelaja, fotelaja@yahoo.com