I am a female 17 year-old from a small town in Massachusetts. I am a solitary ecclectic me..
I like animals, drawing, writing, playing AD&D, and reading. I dislike people who walk slow in hallways, people who don't see the balance needed in the ecosystem, and the idiotic laws in Massachusetts, among other things....
My cat Bandit died two winters ago at 5 years, and Cougar, 3 years old, a regal orange cat that I used to call my familiar died in hurricane Floyd. My tortoishell cat, Velvet, is a great mouser, and the only cat I have left to dance with. ..actually, she just sort of watches me now..pfft! Lazy kitty!! My dog Butch is an almost all black walker hound/ plott hound cross, and my mini-lop and New Zealand Red rabbits are too many to name. I have some fish, and a parakeet named Sara. Sylvia was killed by Velvet. I also have lots of chickens.
I still have my books by Silver Raven Wolf, Scott Cunningham, DJ Conway, Gerina Dunwich, and Patricia Telesco.. My favorite books are "The Gate to Women's Country" by Sheri S. Tepper and "Women Who Run With the Wolves" by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.
Hmm..., that's all I can think of to say about me right now.
If you have any questions or comments, E-mail me at ilahni@geocities.com
See you later! I gotta go.... Bye!
Ilahni Leopard Falcon