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"The GeoGuide is a cool, customizable, multi-featured navigational tool
designed to sit at the top of your pages. It will help people find your
"home on the Web" and supply you and your visitors with a launching
pad to GeoCities and beyond."
Or so goes the quote in the Geocities Geoguide Manager. In fact, the Geoguide is a useless, annoying, ugly bit of technological arse which Geocities coerces you into putting on your page. The penalty for not doing so is a series of aggravating pop-ups which slow everything down, cause your browser to run afoul, and make you think you're looking at a porn site. Moreover, the Geoguide uses banners created by individual homesteaders, many of whom lack a fundamental understanding of, well, anything, the result being that if you attempt to create a vaguely tasteful-looking web page, you get some 16-year-old troll's idea of what looks "cool" perched incongruously at the top of your otherwise aesthetically pleasing and dignified page, advertising his tribute to Nirvana or inviting you to chat with him because he's too greasy and spotty to pick up any nice friends face-to-face.
In short, I despise the Geoguide and everything it stands for, and waited until I could take the incessant pop-ups no more before finally surrendering and sticking it on my pages.
And I´m not even going to begin to go on about that bloody "Geocities" that sits in the bottom corner of your browser. I mean, it´s fair enough I´ve got 11 free MB from Geocities to do with as I please, but I think that their insidious advertising ploys stretch the bounds of good taste.
Please use your browser's "Back" button to return to where you were.
people have seen this rant since July 18, 1998.
And the obligatory homage to Geocities. Get your own free homepage, hey!.