Since 1974 |
The Central California School of Italian Language and Culture has been offering classes in the Italian language in the Central Valley since 1974. Four levels of classes are held at St. Mary's High School in Stockton. We have professional teachers who will give you exposure to Italian and the culture and make learning the language fun. More emphasis is placed on learning conversational skills than on learning grammar. Throughout the school year all students have the opportunity to participate in social and cultural events presented by the school. Where: St. Mary's High School, 5648 N. El Dorado Street., Stockton, California When : All Classes are held on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. 2008-2009 Session begins Tuesday, September 16, 2008 Students may register September 9, 2008 at Central California School of Italian Language Office, 2218 Pacific Avenue or the first night of class at St. Mary's High School. Cost : per Individual: $150 per year Beginning Italian This is the perfect introductory class for those who are new to the Italian language and is ideal for people planning to travel to Italy. Learn the basic vocabulary for introductions, finding your way, dining, shopping, and handling simple business transactions. Advanced Beginning Italian This class is for you if you have already completed Beginning I or if you already have a limited knowledge of the Italian language. Review the topics studied in Beginning Italian I and then expand your vocabulary and begin to develop listening and conversational skills. Intermediate Italian For those of you who have completed Italian II or who are ready to expand upon your vocabulary and develop skills to express your ideas and feelings. Expand your knowledge of Italian through a mix of culture, selected readings, conversation and activities. Advanced Intermediate Italian For those of you who have completed Intermediate Italian or who wish to enhance your existing level of Italian. Enhance your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills and have the opportunity to learn dialogue to handle more advanced situations and discuss the Italian culture and current events using Italian. For more information, please contact us at: (209) 477-9807 Central California School of Italian Language And Culture This page hosted by |