Johnson's World
Amidst the tumult of end-of-session exams, Johnson has found time to give his homepage a new spin around the block. The new framework is a great improvement, making his site more accessible on the eyes, and all of the text redundancies have been swept away to make the information more 'current' (although the much admired biography is still active for perusal). His style of writing reflects a lot about his own personality, a heart-warming blend of honesty, integrity and personal achievement.
Wendy's Homepage
Wendy updated her webpage so that it not only looks tres chic, but also fires a few pointed barbs at unpresuming victims such as myself. Being the rogue that I am, I thought that I'd ante up the stakes a little... so here goes... Wendy's page is a magnificent whirpool of words and witticisms, one which conveniently misleads the fact that her university degree leaves her way too much time on her hands. In-between reading her beautiful text, the webthingies link will have you laughing uproariously in your seat; the Sailor Moon section will have you weeping at her obsession; the javascript will have you marvelling at her unparalleled design; and the links will take you back to my site when you've had enough. *grin* To peruse her mirror site, follow this link.
DK1098's Homepage
Smooth. Elegant. Java-enhanced. All these words flash into mind as soon as I load up Daniel's incredibly visual homepage, a stylish website that makes me draw ugly step-child analogies for my own. *grin* Yeah, it's that good. The new look of his page has certainly improved loading speeds without sacrificing any of the beauty in his design. There's also plenty for everyone - places you can send your friends to, great resource links, a little info on Daniel himself, an expanding photo album, and tons more. Not to mention Daniel's generous offer to help others spice up their sites with his custom-made tips and tricks. Just plain all-around cool.
Carmen's Homepage
Despite being inundated with work and extracurricular activities, Carmen still manages to update her homepage every once in a while. Her taste runs towards the musical (this is probably the only site you'll ever find Arkana and Custard rubbing shoulders with Mozart) and the scientific. Give it a try - you might be pleasantly surprised. Oh yeah, and be sure to to have a look at her thesis on religion, which started off as a simple letter to yours truly.

I've suddenly come to a momentous realization: I'm surrounded by talent. Unlike my own site, most everything on Bruno's page has his own personal touch. His graphical designs are innovative, his text simple but pleasing to the eye. And rest assured, his expertise on the fields that he has chosen - namely diving and driving - are unparalleled. The latest incarnation of Bruno's page sports frames, a new black-and-red motif and many new atmospheric enhancements. In particular, look at his Trip Updates for a surprisingly warm and honest diary approach. Bruno's also recently expanded his interests to include some pretty amazing post-modern, neo-scientific parables. Being the modest guy that he is, he calls them poems.
Class of 97 Homepage
After a long and protracted absence, Jon's tribute to the best graduating class of the world returns. The visual design is worth admission alone (just kidding. Merlin doesn't charge admission. But if his site continues to look this good, he might as well). Well worth checking out for familiar faces, the classy production values, and the up-to-date news on what's going on around the global JIS community. Not to mention the new article that's now up on the Contributions section - written by yours truly - and the great pictures, sure to entice nostalgia out of the most weep-hardened. Recently endowed with a Culture segment, there's now even more reason to check the page out.
David's Homepage
David's another good friend who has made the jump to HTML. The best part about David's page is that his passion for life inevitably seeps into his work. The pictures are large and interesting; the comments varied and wonderful. The numerous animated pics alone are guaranteed to have you bursting out loud with laughter - exactly as David intended. This page is the epitome of student idealism, mixed in with a healthy dose of fresh humor. Come on in and watch the sparks fly.

This site has a weekly listing of the top box-office sellers in America, as well as a comprehensive archive and linked reviews. A great place to find out which films are doing well and which are losing money big-time. You'd be surprised.
An extremely informative site, chock-full to the brim with information on the latest computer games. The reviews are quite reliable in my experience, and the news gets updated at least once a week. Well worth checking back often - especially since my damn subscription to Computer Gaming World tends to be late.
Avatar Realm
For those of you who like to get nostalgic. Although I'm firmly in favor of this new visual design, I can understand how some among you might prefer the text-heavy alternative. Be my guest - although you might also want to keep in mind that new material will only come this way.