The Home of the Sons of Liberty

Many years ago, men of strong mind, strong will and strong character used to meet in an old tavern.  Coming together secretly, and often late at night, they met upstairs in the Long Room.  Here ... they planned the destiny of our country ... and plotted the course of freedom which we now sail.  Today, our country reels once more under the oppressive hand of the government, and the intrusive crimes of their officers, their judges, their taxes ... and their partners in crime ... the press.. 

Welcome to The Green Dragon Tavern! You will be able to add your site to The Green Dragon Tavern right here! Members can also edit their ring information here.  In order to join the Sons of Liberty and enter the Long Room Club of The Green Dragon Tavern, one must adhere to the following creed: 

  • You must believe in the Laws of nature, and nature's God (i.e. All law, nature and people are subject to the Laws of God ... which is how Jefferson, et. al. understood it).
  • You must believe that nature's God ... is the one and only Almighty, Everlasting Creator, and Supreme Judge of the world.
  • You must believe that this Creator has created all men equal.
  • You must understand that governments are instituted by men, and derive their powers from the consent of the governed.
  • You must believe that the powers of sovereignty of men are retained, and loaned with the limitations as set forth in the Constitution of the United States.
  • You must believe that whenever any government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it.
  • You must believe in the right to free speech, and in the responsibility that comes with that.
  • AND MOST IMPORTANT ... you must promise to sit down in the near future and actually read (yes, actually read) two documents:  The Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution.  Then you will understand what all the above statements mean, and their origin.
  • The terms Supreme Judge of the world, and nature's God refer to the real living God ... not some deistic new-age concept
Your website must display in some way that you believe in, and follow this creed. Generally speaking, you must have materials and/or links which are conservative in nature, and help serve to educate or inform people on the basic principles upon which our country has been founded.  If you have a question on whether your site is appropriate, just e-mail me!  I will be happy to check it out!  

If you want an idea of what types of sites are presently in The Green Dragon Tavern, take a look at the complete list of meeting sites in The Green Dragon Tavern.  

NOTE: please place your web ring graphic and links on the URL you register!  For example, if you register please do not place the web ring graphic and links on   The reason for this is very simple:  users of The Green Dragon Tavern should be able to travel smoothly from one Ring site to the next.  Sites that come after a page that has their ring links on a separate page don't receive as much ring activity as they are entitled to, and it isn't fair to them.  

To add your site to the queue, please fill out the form that is titled "Submit site to The Green Dragon Tavern" at the bottom of this page.  Submitting your page to the queue does not make you part of the Tavern!  After submitting your page to the queue, you will receive an e-mail with the proper code to insert on your web page.  You then must insert the code on your web page.  If you ever have any problems with the code, please e-mail me at and I will help you with your code.  After your code is placed on your web page, you just need to e-mail me to let me know that your site is ready to be added to the Tavern.  I will look at your site, and, assuming your site meets the criteria for the tavern, I will officially add you to The Green Dragon Tavern! I will also notify you once your site is "officially" in the Tavern.  

ALSO . . . please place your WEB RING GRAPHIC at your own site.  Do not call the graphic from here!  

The code will create a webring graphic and navigational bar that looks like this: 

Many years ago, men of strong mind, strong will and strong character used to meet in The Green Dragon Tavern.  Coming together secretly, and often late at night, they met upstairs in the Long Room.  Here . . . they planned the destiny of our country, and plotted the course of freedom which we now sail.   

This meeting site is owned by Paul Revere
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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site. 
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