St. John's

Evangelical Lutheran Church

Frankenmuth Michigan

Welcome, glad you came to visit!

St. John's Congregation is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (W.E.L.S), a group of nearly half-a-million Bible-believing Christians who share the Good News of Jesus Christ in all fifty states, three provinces of Canada, and fifteen countries around the world. We invite you to join us in believing that God is our Almighty Creator and preserver, who reveals Himself to us in the Bible. Though man was once created holy, we are no longer able to do God's will perfectly as summarized in the Ten Commandments. But God loves us and sent His Son Jesus to live a perfect life for our credit. On the cross Jesus bore the guilt of the sins of every person in this world. By His resurrection from the dead, Jesus assures to us peace with God and eternal life. The Holy Spirit works and strengthens faith in Christ in our hearts when we hear and believe His Word.

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Sorry it's taking so long! Hopefully it will be ready after Christmas!

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Visitors Since
January 1, 1998


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