Lehigh Valley Storytelling Guild
Our members are professional and amateur storytellers, poets, actors, and others who benefit by the study of the art of storytelling and whose pleasure it is to practice this ancient art. Both experienced storytellers and newcomers are welcomed.

The Guild was started in 1998 to promote the art of storytelling in the Lehigh Valley, and to refine the member's storytelling skills. We have presented numerous showcases, appeared at festivals, conducted story swaps and workshops. We meet at Godfrey Daniels Coffee House on the second Wednesday of each month except August (See you at Musikfest).

Charles Kiernan at 610-799-2742
/ cjkiernan@toast.net
Up Coming Events
Monthly Story Open Mic
at Godfrey Daniels Listening Club
7 East Fourth St. South Bethlehem
(Just down the hill from Lehigh University.)

Wednesday May 13th
Theme: "Things Celestial"
(No Open Mic in August)
7:30pm to 9:30pm
(or so)
Come and tell stories or just come to listen.
Either way, it's great family entertainment.
(Just like in the old days, sitt'en around the hearth.)

(Click here for directions)
Watch here for the listing for our
Children's Sunday Storytelling
Series 2010
At Godfrey Daniels
First and third Sunday Afternoons
January - March
For more information about the Children's Series,
workshops and our other events,
call Charles Kiernan 610-799-2742
Stories in the Valley
"Stories in the Valley" is our monthly radio program. It airs during Tom Druckenmiller's "In the Tradition", a regular two hour Wednesday night folk music program starting at 7:00pm on National Public Radio Station WDIY.  Tom's show traces the roots and branches of American traditional music.
Quarterly we have an hour long program starting a 8:00pm and during other months as a fifteen minute feature.
WDIY broadcasts at 88.1FM and live streams at

Click below to listen to April's feature about
American icon Storyteller, Ray Hicks. (14:00 minutes)

Click here to listen to our radio interviews and features.

Lehigh Valley
Story Festival
June 26th- 28th

Headliners will be:
Dan Keding
Oni Lasana

Children's shows - Workshops - Concerts  - Sacred Stories
(Click on headliner names above to link to their sites)

Friday night at Godfrey Daniels
Dan Keding
(Opening with
Kathy Long)

Saturday morning
a workshop with Dan Keding

Saturday afternoon at Bethlehem Public Library
a free storytelling performanc with Oni Lasana - "Granny Goose"

Saturday afternoon show at Godfrey Daniels
Old Time Songs and Stories
Charles Kiernan & The Druckenmillers

Saturday night  at Godfrey Daniels
Oni Lasana - "'Lias' Mother"
(Open with Emerging Teller
Octavia Sexton)

Sunday Morning at Godfrey Daniels
Sacred Stories - Pay-What-You-Will

Sunday Afternoon Children's Show
Eva Grayzel

More to come as events are settled upon.
Stay tuned.
Click here to see 2008 Festival photos!
Our community sponsors 
Click logos to visit !!
Click here to find out about our

Click here for membership information!
A list of the Guild's performing members.

John Callahan
Peter Duss
Tom Egan
Lisa Facciponti
Eva Grayzel
Vince Green
Emily Kiernan
Charles Kiernan
Oni Lasana
Kathy Long
Karen Maurer
David Joe Miller
Kristin Pedemonti
Kathy Pierce
Robin Reichert
Larry Sceurman
Vicky Town
Mary Wright
Other good links.
National Storytelling / Storynet
Storytelling Handbook
The MoonLit Road
Tell Me A Story (bibliography)
Story Lovers (Click on SOS:Search out Stories)
Tim Sheppard's Story Page
Aaron Shepard's Story Page
tory craft for youths
Native American Lore
Keepers of the Culture

Pennsylvania Jack
(Our friend in the western part of the state)
The Lehigh Valley Storytelling Guild is a non-profit organization. State and Federal documents to such are available upon request.
Also available upon request is our Annual Report for 2007.on paper or as a pdf.
Last update April 25th  2009