An' it harm none, do what ye will...

Merry Meet!! Welcome to my Wiccan World. Here you can explore the beauty and mystery of Wicca, and learn about witchcraft. Read about the time period called the "Burning Times". Find out some of the  most misunderstood aspects of this Earth based religion. You  can join the 'Paths of the Witch' Webring, or explore other Pagan/Wiccan webrings and sites. Enjoy your visit.

Brightest Blessings,

Correspondances Just as it affects our emotions, different colors, times, elements and lunar phases affect magick. Learn what works the best for different types of spells.
Divination Tarrot, astrology, runes, numerology.. All these help aid the witch in spells, predictions, etc. Learn a bit about the different types of divination here.
Laws, Beliefs, Ethics The Wiccan Rede, The law of threefold, The principles of belief. Read why curses, sacrifices and the like are against Wiccan law.
Sabbats Learn about the holidays a witch celebrates.
Tools of the Craft Learn about the tools of the trade
About Wicca/Witchcraft Learn the history of Witchcraft; what Wicca is; if Wicca is right for you
Book of Shadows Take a look inside my spell book
Paths of the Witch Webring Join my webring. Open to all Pagan/Wiccan sites
Wiccan/Pagan Webrings Take a look at some other amazing Wiccan and Pagan sites by following a ring
Links on Witchcraft Some of the most informative sites on Witchcraft on the web
Current Moonphase See what phase the moon is currently in. **Must be java enabled!!
My Guestbook Leave a message in my guestbook, letting me know what you think, or read what others have written.
Contact me Feel like dropping me a line, Want to 'chat'? Here you will find the easiest ways of getting in touch with me.
To my Personal World Discover here, the people that I know and love, some of my favorite places on the web, the different webrings that My world belongs to, the causes I believe in
To my Poetic World Browning, Poe, Noyes, Angelou... their words can move you with deep feeling, create utter despair, fill your heart with fear... view some of my favorite poems from these, and other authors.
Site Map of My Worlds Been here before?? Know what you want to find?? Just exploring?? Hopefully this will help you move around my site quickly. This link is only available on the 'main' pages of each world.

We are not evil.
We don't harm or seduce people.
We are not dangerous.
We are ordinary people like you.
We have families, jobs, hopes, and dreams.
We are not a cult.
This religion is not a joke.
We are not what you think we are from looking at T.V.
We are real.
We laugh, we cry.
We are serious.
We have a sense of humor.
You don't have to be afraid of us.
We don't want to convert you.
And please don't try to convert us.
Just give us the same right we give you - - to live in peace.
We are much more similar to you than you think.
-Margot Adler-

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