Links! Links! and more Links!

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*smile* i've finally gotten around to making a links you can see the links, links, and more links is a slight exaggeration..*sweet smile* *L* but it's only cause most of my friends haven't gotten back to me whether they want their page listed here...Stop by later when I have more homepage addresses!!!

Virtual Merchant Find great gifts for yourself, family, or loved ones! Check it out!

The Pad A great page created by a great guy, Jesse aka -½™½-

The Gravy Boat A cool picture gallery made by Jody aka Gravy.

Mr. Kewl's Maze of Mystery A cool site created by a great guy, Nate.

rooster2's homepage A cool page made by a great friend, dale

Starshadow's homepage A great page made by a wonderful person, Starshadow.

tee cee's homepage A cool page created by Tracy aka Beautiful White Mare.

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My Main Page