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In 1939 Russia attacked Finland with the result that most of Karelia, Finland's eastern province, was ceded to the Soviet Union. Churchill and Stalin condemned the act, but did nothing. Karelians evacuated their country because they wanted to be free. Finns will not be the servants of any foreign country, nor did they willingly give up land that was rightfully theirs. So the Finns took it back by force in 1941, which is a perfectly natural response. In 1944 Stalin, (with aid and the blessings of Roosevelt and Churchill) regained the borders of 1940. A communist take-over of Karelia and evacuation of almost 450,000 people was the result. This was an act of which the forces for "freedom" will always be ashamed. The Allies were assisting the Soviets in acts of territorial conquest all around its borders through huge supplies of arms! Now the people want their land back. Putin says even talking about it will worsen Finland's relations with Russia.

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