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Welcome to the Planets

This site provides a collection of images of the planets. Included are facts, statistics, and a glossary. Also shown are photos and facts about the Explorer missions.

Views of the Solar System

This is a virtual tour of planets, stars, astroids, and more. A visitor can see statistics, pictures, graphs, and more.

Windows to the Universe

Users can access information about our planet, the solar system, and the universe. This is an exciting and innovative site. An interested person can contact a scientist and ask them a question about the planets.

Live from Earth and Mars

Students can find information on Mars here. It is possible to find out about the planet's surface, temperature, atmosperhic pressure, and more.

Solar System Live

This is an interactive page where you can view the entire solar system or just the inner planets. Clicking on the link to the Earth and Moon viewer allow the user to view the earth from various locations.

The Nine Planets: A Multimedia Tour of the Solar System

This marvelous site offers an overview of the solar system that is fascinating.

Big Bang

Read about the Big Bang theory as well as alternate theories for the origin of the Universe.

Life on Mars

Read about a recent discovery that has led many to believe that there is life on Mars.

Virtual Trips to Black Holes and Neutron Stars

Descriptions and MPEG movies take you on virtual trips to black holes and neutron stars.

The Galaxy Page

A site that guides the viewer through the solar system. There's even a section that gives a futuristic look at space.

Black Holes and Neutron Stars

Simple drawings and easy-to-understand text explains black holes and neutron stars.

What is the Northern Light?

A simple, easy-to-understand explanation of Aurora Borealis, or the Northern Light, as some call it.

The Online Planetarium Show

An educational, exciting site that provides lessons in astronomy and related subjects.

Comet C/1996 B2 Hyakutake

Facts about the comet Hyakutake: how it was discovered, image archives, viewing hints and tips, and much more.

The Fels Planetarium Monthly Sky Report

Each month different astronomical events are highlighted at this site.

Tour the Constellations

Take a complete tour of the constellations beginning with Andromeda and working your way alphabetically around the night sky. The visitor learns about mythology and relevant facts on this fun-filled tour.

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