Well, this is what everyone else has to say about me and my page. I don't really know why it would be of much interest to you, but I hope you like it anyway! *smile*

daivd - 12/13/00 04:35:25
My Email:simssims80@hotmail.com
Favorite Colour: black
i want to be a vampire and if you like are feel free to email me anyone that reads this others please don bother me

ashley - 06/16/00 18:47:38
My Email:GLITTERgoth7@aol.com
Favorite Band: stabbing westward
Favorite Song: violent mood swings
Favorite Colour: dark purple or blood red
Favorite Day of the Year: sept.11 (my b-day)
That poem page is awesome! I love the poems you wrote,they are so full of emotion. The rest of you're site is kool also.

Dark Rose - 05/03/00 22:13:57
My URL:http://www.internettrash.com/users/damascusrose
My Email:daamascusrose@gothland.com
Favorite Band: NIN
Favorite Song: Something I can never have
Favorite Author: Poe
Favorite Book/Poem: Um The raven or A clockwork orange
Favorite Colour: purple
Favorite Day of the Year: oct. 6th
cool page. very well put together

Jay Byars - 04/27/00 15:47:46
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/jaypoetry/index.html
My Email:Holyisburned@darkmail.com
Favorite Band: Smashing Pumpkins
Favorite Song: Stand Inside Your Love
Favorite Author: Stephen King
Favorite Book/Poem: "Absolutely Nothing" from webpage http://www.angelfire.com/anime/darkside/
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: Halloween
This is a really cool webpage, and I really love all the poems, especialy "To T----". Peace out, Jay

Bosco - 04/13/00 04:15:48
My URL:/no_time4luv/
My Email:no_time4luv@yahoo.com
Favorite Band: Cro Mags
Favorite Song: WarTime - Facedown
Favorite Author: Henry Miller
Favorite Book/Poem: Tropic Of Cancer
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: XXXmas...fuck jesus, where's my presents?!!!!
***Self Props*** I went to a party last Saturday and 3 girls said I looked like the drummer from Blink 182 and 1 said I looked like Freddie Prince Jnr

"Yeah, you can lick my balls...just me let unzip my pants first, bitch"

Boasting aint a crime

Scorpius - 04/12/00 23:02:41
My Email:shifter at xtra.nz
Favorite Author: Rice ,Anne
Favorite Colour: Forest Green
Favorite Day of the Year: 04 / 11
contact me if you well the desire to show a sort of way forward towards my darker side

Kris - 04/08/00 07:14:39
My Email:capricorn123179@aol.com
Favorite Band: Depeche Mode,Radio Head,Smashing Pumpkins,International Pop Overthrow
Favorite Song: can't recall, bad with names
Favorite Author: sorry, names kill me
Favorite Book/Poem: Lord of the Dead
Favorite Colour: black
Favorite Day of the Year: December 31
I really enjoyed your site!I feel like i have found myself. I liked your poem "Asylum Inside".I feel like I can finally relate to something.I am glad I have realized the things i have about myself tonight.Now I know where to come when I want to connect w th people who are similar to myself.Thanks!

tgrlily - 02/07/00 18:46:25
My Email:tgrlily@depechemode.com
Favorite Band: DepecheMode
Favorite Song: Waiting for the Night to Fall
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book/Poem: Cry to Heaven
Favorite Colour: Red
Favorite Day of the Year: April 4
I love your site, stumbled upon it researching wiccan sites. The poem you have titled The Forlorn Angel is a particular favorite. I know I'll be visiting again soon.

Volarius Sikk - 02/04/00 20:46:41
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/tx3/Ingothwetrust/index.html
My Email:bloodlust@blackblood.zzn.com
Favorite Band: Christian Death
Favorite Song: Spiritual Cramp
Favorite Author: Poe
Favorite Book/Poem: "Beauty & Madness" Volarius Sikk
Favorite Colour: Black/ Pale dead grey
Favorite Day of the Year: Samhain
I am from the Lubbock area and I never knew that there were other goths here. I knew there were freaks but not goths. I have been a goth since the age 15 and I am 27 now(elder-fuck goth). Visit my page and stuff. Have fun and stay gloomy.

Leslie - 11/02/99 00:53:10
My Email:TiggerBSB18@aol.com
Favorite Band: alot of them
Favorite Song: alot of them
Favorite Author: alot of them
Favorite Colour: Yellow, Dark green, and black
Favorite Day of the Year: my birthday may 11th. i will be 18
this is such the bomb site, i love it, i will always come to it. do did really good..keep up the good work

Jessica Succubus - 10/17/99 17:02:26
My URL:http://expage.com/page/witchygoth
My Email:vampiress@prontomail.com
Favorite Band: silverchair& Sisters of Mercy
Favorite Song: Kashmir by Led Zeppelin
Favorite Author: Martin Ricardo
Favorite Book/Poem: Liquid Dreams of Vampires and The Heart of a Witch
Favorite Colour: black,purple, and dark red
Favorite Day of the Year: Yule
Your page is very nice.I like the picture of you and your wife.It is lovely.I told all my friends to come check this page out.

Joanne Cope - 10/01/99 22:58:59
My Email:jcope@artsmail.uwaterloo.ca
Favorite Colour: blue
Hi Mike. I don't know if you'll remember me. From O'Neill C.V.I. Thought I'd find you. Please drop me a line. Sunshine.

Sanguinarius - 09/07/99 16:30:18
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~Sanguinarius/index.htm
My Email:sanguinar2@aol.com
Favorite Band: Switchblade Symphony
Favorite Song: Gutter Glitter
Favorite Author: P.N. Elrod
Favorite Book/Poem: Bunnicula
Favorite Colour: Red
Favorite Day of the Year: Halloween (of course)
Just checking out your page. Check out The Real Vampire Directory.

BRANDY - 09/05/99 22:02:33
Favorite Colour: BLACK,&PURPLE
Favorite Day of the Year: DEVILS NIGHT

peggy jean - 05/07/99 19:12:51
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~filmdirector2000/index.html
My Email:MsSxyVamp@aol.com
Favorite Band: NightFire
Favorite Song: Vampire Centerfolds
Favorite Colour: Purple
Favorite Day of the Year: Oct.31
What a great site!! We hope you can visit ours soon!!

Amanda - 03/29/99 04:39:42
My Email:davis_j@email.com
Favorite Author: poppy z. brite
Favorite Colour: deep blue
Favorite Day of the Year: halloween
Your poetry stopped my heart! Your stories are beautiful. THANK YOU!

Gabriel - 02/10/99 19:42:34
My Email:patrobyn@netrix.net
Favorite Band: Any grunge
Favorite Author: Steven King
Favorite Book/Poem: Vampire Chronicals
Favorite Colour: black
This is a great place to come visit.

Jett Black - 01/14/99 12:03:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atlantis/4882/
My Email:JettBlack@sprynet.com
Favorite Band: contraband
Favorite Song: Sweet Dreams
Favorite Author: John Milton
Favorite Book/Poem: Paradise Lost
Favorite Colour: oblivion black and blue
Favorite Day of the Year: Dead Day
Wonderful to be here! Glad I finally made it out this way! I hope i see you two again soon! Take care... asta loogy ~*~ Jett Black ~*~ ICQ# 7480927 JettBlack@sprynet.com

Candace Bessette - 01/13/99 16:54:48
My Email:L.solini@gte.net
Favorite Band: offspring
Favorite Song: pretty fly for a white guy
Favorite Author: edger Alan poe
Favorite Book/Poem: The Raven
Favorite Colour: black/red/white
Favorite Day of the Year: oct 31th
The name everyone knows me as is a lie of those who choose to make me feel like crap.

Candace Bessette - 01/13/99 16:52:03
My Email:L.solini@gte.net
Favorite Band: offspring
Favorite Song: pretty fly for a white guy
Favorite Author: edger Alan poe
Favorite Book/Poem: The Raven
Favorite Colour: black/red/white
Favorite Day of the Year: oct 30th
The name everyone knows me as is a lie of those who choose to make me feel like crap.

Knight - 12/27/98 00:38:06
My Email:KaosAgnt13@aol.com
Favorite Band: Type O Negative
Favorite Song: My Girlfriend Grilfriend
Favorite Book/Poem: Book of Nod
Favorite Colour: Black/Blue
Favorite Day of the Year: Samhain(Holloween)
I am in search of a "REAL" vampyre to enter me into the wonderful world of Blood Lust. Eternalty, Knight

Quicksilver - 12/26/98 23:53:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/south beach/bluffs/2445
My Email:quicksilver_666d@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: MetallicA
Favorite Song: "one"
Favorite Author: H.P.Lovecraft
Favorite Book/Poem: Call of Cthulu
Favorite Colour: black
Favorite Day of the Year: Ides of March (my b-day)
Loved your page. We have a lot in common, brother...

Dennis Lachaise - 12/12/98 01:58:28
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Bayou/6473
Favorite Band: too many to name
Favorite Song: same here
Favorite Author: same here.... currently, Stephen King, and Myself
Favorite Book/Poem: Poem? Easy: Keats- Ode to a Nightingale
Favorite Colour: Crimson
Favorite Day of the Year: every day
Well Hello... I know you are saying who is Dennis Lachaise. I am the black sheep, and prodigal son of the de Lioncourt family, I am out visiting homes of those in the webring of Lestat's creation. Getting to know those who know us, you could say. Well - I extend my hand to you in invitation to my page, and my guestbook as well, where all replies are tended to personally. My regards.... Dennis M. Lachaise

Bonny Hansem - 11/16/98 23:33:56
My Email:SLGirl31
Favorite Band: Manson
Favorite Song: The Horrible people
Favorite Author: R.L. Stine
Favorite Book/Poem: way to many to list
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: October 31
I love your web sites don't ever take it off you have given me such insperation and such new ideas

des - 11/08/98 20:59:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ar/darkevil
My Email:absinthium@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: tool
Favorite Song: prison sex (if I have to pick just one...)
Favorite Book/Poem: there's just too many of these for me to pick only ONE!!
Favorite Colour: green
I found your page through the Dark Haven webring. It looks really good; very interesting site with a lot of content. I especially like the bar you've got separating the sections. I've got that one on my site too! But yours looks better. I'm jealous :-P

Daoine Bachran - 11/04/98 12:41:43
My Email:daoine@fone.net
Favorite Band: enya
Favorite Song: Piano Man
Favorite Author: William Shakespeare
Favorite Book/Poem: The Gate to Woman's Country
Favorite Colour: black (duh)
Favorite Day of the Year: Oct 31
This web site looks very farmilliar... I've only recently been on the web, I wonder....

10/26/98 13:19:27
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Jan - 10/21/98 14:45:18
Favorite Day of the Year: Today
Was just checking out guestbook entries and came upon a couple of "interesting" ones. Herne & Cartre?....whew! Then I got nosy and read theirs too .....the one I liked best was the last one! If you know who I mean, check it out!

C - 10/02/98 14:23:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/1679/
My Email:Lestatx79@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Nin/Pumpkins/Manson
Favorite Song: Blank Page
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book/Poem: The Vampire Lestat
Favorite Colour: hhmmmm...
Favorite Day of the Year: Whenever it snows in Texas
very nice....

lady_constance - 09/23/98 21:52:06
My URL:http://oz.plymouth.edu/~m_briner/jolene
My Email:lady_constance@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Attrition
Favorite Song: Remnants of a Deeper Purity
Favorite Author: tough one, I read to much
Favorite Book/Poem: Anythign by Walt Whitman
Favorite Colour: dark purple, kinda red wine
Favorite Day of the Year: winter solstice
My Dark friend, I enjoyed my visit to your dark corner of the web.. I find your page very well done, I will most definatly come back.. Many dark wishes, Lady Constance

lady_constance - 09/23/98 21:51:04
My URL:http://oz.plymouth.edu/~m_briner/jolene
My Email:lady_constance@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Attrition
Favorite Song: Remnants of a Deeper Purity
Favorite Author: tough one, I read to much
Favorite Book/Poem: Anythign by Walt Whitman
Favorite Colour: dark purple, kinda red wine
Favorite Day of the Year: winter solstice
My Dark friend,

Sandman - 09/22/98 08:23:46
Favorite Band: Metallica
Favorite Song: Enter Sandman`
Favorite Author: Edgar Allen Poe
Favorite Book/Poem: The Sandman
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: Winter Solace
"I proudly call myself a Pagan." as you yourself put on your page well from what I know you are not much more than a major leaque wanna be in everything that you do; Gothic, Pagan, Husband, everything you are is a lie, and one that will be proved eventual y.

tristia - 09/21/98 23:21:28
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ia/tristia/
Favorite Band: smashing pumpkins, nin, radiohead, etc.
Favorite Song: too many..
Favorite Author: anne rice
Favorite Book/Poem: «the ennemy» by charles baudelaire
Favorite Colour: black, what else!
Favorite Day of the Year: hmm..good one.

your page is quite nice..
«nothing left to say, and all i've left to do, is run away from you..»

Imagins - 09/07/98 18:13:40
Favorite Band: Hmmm. Mozart
Favorite Song: Requiem
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book/Poem: The Vampire Lestat/ Ode to a Nightingale
Favorite Colour: red
Favorite Day of the Year: All Saints day

Hello! I was out surfing the web for pages like mine that contain poetry and original content. I'd liek to offer my compliments on your site and invite you to my page. I have my original poems as well as short stories there. Be sure to let me know what yo think, and while your there, why not visit some of the links from my "links" page? Keep up the good work on your pages, html is not always easy but a welldesigned site is great to see!

Freya - 09/06/98 12:48:49
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/timelesssoul/index.html
My Email:wildone@wctc.net
Favorite Band: NIN and others
Favorite Song: Closer
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book/Poem: My poems of course ... *smiles*

"Silent Surrender"

Though feet have tread on paths well worn,
beneath the painted sunset sky,

Her soul has died a thousand deaths,
the darkness once again has come,

Her lips, hands, and feet well bound,
she hangs high upon a cross,

With silent words that echo in her mind,
her eyes beckon to all who pass,

The emptiness softly caresses her,
as her soul surrenders.

Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: payday
WBR, Hello ... *hugs* ... I finally found your homepage! ... *smiles* ... I love it! ... I hope that the beautiful couple is doing well ... Freya

Takhisis - 08/25/98 19:31:10
My URL:http://welcome.to/takhisis
My Email:takhisis_@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: Opeth
Favorite Song: Where dead angels lie
Favorite Author: Anne Rise
Favorite Book/Poem: The Raven - Edgar Allen Poe
Favorite Colour: Black
I really Liked the page...I got stuck in it for some time, and I will defenetly be comming back!

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:47:05
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

- 06/26/98 15:18:33
My Email:tartan@idirect
Favorite Book/Poem: Lord of the Dance
Favorite Colour: Red
Favorite Day of the Year: Christmas

Julia - 06/01/98 02:10:58
My URL:http://members.wbs.net/homepages/v/i/v/vivianjade.html
My Email:pnolan@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Band: Oh...you ask too much of me
Favorite Song: Again...how can I choose?
Favorite Author: I really like Lewis Carroll...and a lot of others
Favorite Book/Poem: Crossing the Bar
Favorite Colour: Green
Favorite Day of the Year: None...
I really like your writing, especially "Twilight Princess" (though at times you try too hard to rhyme). Would you be willing to submit something to my poetry contest at http://members.wbs.net/homepages/b/o/n/bonjok.html ?

MICHELLE & SHELLY - 05/23/98 03:12:00
Favorite Band: WALLFLOWERS
Favorite Song: ONE HEADLIGHT
Favorite Author: SYLVIA PLATH
Favorite Book/Poem: THE DOOR TO DECEMBER
Favorite Colour: YELLOW/BLUE
Favorite Day of the Year: FRIDAY/SATURDAY

BabylonRuins - 05/22/98 21:41:29
My Email:KT774@aol.com
Favorite Band: Nirvana
Favorite Song: Smells like teen spirit, also, violent femmes
Favorite Author: j O'Barr, and Edgar Allan Poe
Favorite Book/Poem: poem-the raven of course, all of J o' Barr's books
Favorite Colour: black
Favorite Day of the Year: the day of armageddon
"In vain you will try to lie and conceal the evil deeds that you have done, it is to no avail. It is you yourself who pronounces your own judgement."-me

David Merrbach - 05/20/98 12:21:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/9999
My Email:celticwarlord
Favorite Band: Rush
Favorite Song: Battle of the Trees
Favorite Author: R.A. Salvatore
Favorite Book/Poem: The Raven
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: Samhain
As much as I hate to say this Micheal, your page looks good.

Maharet - 05/18/98 19:03:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/BourbonStreet/Delta/3959/index.html
My Email:VvMaharetV@aol.com
Favorite Band: Fav. Composer count? Vivaldi
Favorite Song: Violin Romance No. 1
Favorite Author: Too many to sort through
Favorite Book/Poem: Again...too many.
Favorite Colour: Burgundy
Favorite Day of the Year: Every Night.
In exploring the LJS Ring of Excellence, I stumbled upon your most delightful site! You are a poet of extreme grace and beauty, and I totally forgive you for not having your Anne Rice section complete...how could I not with such a fiend begging for forgiv ness? :-)=
Eternally Yours,

Blood Tears on a White Rose - 05/02/98 06:10:52
Favorite Band: pink floyd
Favorite Song: welcome to the machine
Favorite Author: mercedes lackey
Favorite Colour: purple
Favorite Day of the Year: halloween
blood tears stream down my pale white face what have you done? anglic bliss you have found in darkness yet a ray of light still shines here from within perhaps one day you'll know understand what you gave me is worth more than words yet i feel sorrow for you i hope your life is good and well i wish you happiness let go before i fall from heaven

Jenny - 04/19/98 23:13:51
My Email:kenzei@idirect.com
Favorite Band: Steve And Magic Bum
Favorite Song: Fart
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book/Poem: Vampire Lestat
Favorite Colour: Brown ( steve's Ginch)
Favorite Day of the Year: Kenzie's birthday

- 04/11/98 21:32:13
Hi from danny & Jan E Mail us .

Maria - 03/30/98 17:02:18
My Email:Torrm990@cottey.edu
Favorite Author: Poe
Favorite Book/Poem: The complete works of Edger Allen Poe
Favorite Colour: red
Favorite Day of the Year: Friday the 13th
I really enjoyed your poetry. It was very good. Thank you for sharing it with everyone.

the anti-hero - 03/21/98 07:31:40
My URL:http://www2.netcom.com/~cy-kill/oblivion.html
My Email:cy-kill@ix.netcom.com
Favorite Band: the business
Favorite Song: "rudie can't fail" by the clash
Favorite Author: bram stoker
Favorite Book/Poem: in the gutter
Favorite Colour: yellow
Favorite Day of the Year: new year's day
the part at the top of this page where it says "And remember," there's like nothing after it, unless my browser did something wrong... anyway i was here.

Brian - 03/03/98 00:06:13
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Trails/2107/index.html
My Email:wittrob4594@uni.edu
Favorite Band: Third Eye Blind
Favorite Song: always
Favorite Author: Claire Devereux
Favorite Book/Poem: Soceress
Favorite Colour: blue
Favorite Day of the Year: Christmas
Gothic Rose, hiya! how are you? I am good *smile* hope to see ya in the art! take care! *hugs* Brian *Smiley* (m)

verthaine - 03/01/98 06:37:12
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/labryinth/2497
My Email:verthaine@hotmail.com
Favorite Band: thrillkillcult
Favorite Song: bloodletting
Favorite Author: JOHN MILTON
Favorite Book/Poem: tao te ching
Favorite Colour: red
Favorite Day of the Year: everyday
loved your sight. I'm a vampire who's a taoist also. I'm creating a website(see above) deadicated to the vampire lifestylers out there so drop on by

Steve - 02/21/98 04:38:29
My Email:you know
Favorite Band: Beatles
Favorite Song: I am the Walrus
Favorite Author: Dr. Seuss
Favorite Book/Poem: Vert Oeuffs et Jambon
Favorite Colour: Yellow
Favorite Day of the Year: July 4th
Hey whats up? E-mail ain't working properly. Got an infection in my knee hurts a bunch. Jen looks really hot tonight. Jen is starting up her own business and will soon be makin pot o cash. Kenzie's almost potty trained although he still needs pullups fer bedtime and going out. How is you and Misty and Kelton doin der?

- 02/18/98 16:11:20

- 12/28/97 17:58:50

Sarabellious - 12/04/97 15:53:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Wellesley/3741/index.html
My Email:contractions@geocities.com
Favorite Band: Da Doors et al.
Favorite Song: Hmm ... good question
Favorite Author: Ack! Geez, umm ... well ... erm ... Anne Rice, Anne Tyler, Stephen Donaldson
Favorite Book/Poem: HINGES by Shel Silverstein
Favorite Colour: Depends on my mood
Favorite Day of the Year: 25th of December
I love this hp your witherdness. It's very creative and telling. Yup, it reeks of personality. Bye!

Freya - 11/28/97 07:31:53
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ri/timelesssoul
My Email:freya@ww-interlink.net
Favorite Band: Too many to list ... =O)
Favorite Song: Closer by Nine Inch Nails
Favorite Author: Anne Rice
Favorite Book/Poem: Memnoch the Devil
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: My birthday
Haven't gotten through your whole homepage yet, but I got to read a few of your poems ... I love them!! ... They are so amazing and I'll be back to read them all! ... Wish I could write that well ... *smiles* ... Keep in touch! ... Freya =O)

Monetgirl - 11/28/97 02:00:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/6853
My Email:monetgirl@geocities.com
Favorite Band: *L* Van Halen
Favorite Song: Fly Me To The Moon (Sinatra) *grins*
Favorite Author: currently, Ken Follett
Favorite Book/Poem: Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Favorite Colour: green
Favorite Day of the Year: the last day of school!
Hi! Gothic and I have been friends in the ART for a few months, and although you and I haven't really met--*hugs*--I'm very happy for you guys! Great site! See ya in the ART!

Misty - 11/27/97 22:37:03
Favorite Band: The Cure
Favorite Song: Same Deep Water as You
Favorite Author: Dean R Koontz
Favorite Book/Poem: To Helen
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: Samhain
Hello, my Dearest Love. Your page is truly beautiful, and as always, I am very proud of you. Thank you for making me a part of your life, and I will always endeavor to give you back a fraction of the happiness that you have given me.

Jan - 11/13/97 02:12:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/3391
My Email:tartan@idirect.com
Favorite Band: Eagles
Favorite Song: That's Why I'm Here(James Taylor)
Favorite Author: John Grisham
Favorite Book/Poem: Pelican Brief
Favorite Colour: Red
Favorite Day of the Year: Christmas
Well, we sure are different, aren't we!! I must add Anne Rice's "Mummy and Interview with a Vampire" to my favourites. Me, who never opened a 'scary' book in her life has found a little fascination with the 'dark side'!!! Your Page is great...shows a lot of work and a lot of you!! Remember the 'light side of life' too.

Grenanch - 11/06/97 13:02:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/lair/4473
My Email:cbr@cococo.net
Favorite Band: Black Sabbath
Favorite Song: A Toude Le Monde
Favorite Author: Poe
Favorite Book/Poem: The Raven
Favorite Colour: Black
Favorite Day of the Year: Devil's Night
Hey man, Great page. I love it. I just wanted to say that it is possible for a mortal vampire to go to church and find religion. It's hard, but trust me *sly grin* it is possible. Catch ya in the Art.

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