Himinbjorg Hearth started in
early January 1998. We currently have Four members, Two men, one
woman, and one youngster. Bios and Email (For those that have them)
will be added soon. We are located close to the Cascade mountain
range in Washington State. Many thanks are due the members for making
it possible and helping me form something much greater than I could by
Himinbjorg is named after Heimdall's abode by Bifrost.
Heimdall is my personal patron God and I am currently working on a page
devoted to him. Our kindred is Folkish in orientation and we have a firm
desire to continue the traditions and ways of our forefathers. We
all owe a great deal to the example set by the Odinic Rite which gave me
the impetus to form this Hearth. All our Hearth members are members
(Himinbjorg pays the Dues) to help support the faith nationally and internationally.
Updates and News of Events regarding our Hearth will be placed on a page here and we will be keeping Hnikar updated for inclusion on his FAP. http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Forum/5056/index.html
I have asked that each of the members write a small intro
and will place it on as soon as possible.
Kindred Folk
Heimdall: Just me, and
my stuff can be accessed from my main page.
Email Heimdall
Gretta: Email
Gretta Hail! I have been following the path of
Odin for 6 years and have taken as my personal patron Sif of the golden
hair. I would be happy to discuss the faith with any who feel the
desire. Heimdall is going to set up a separate page for each of us
so I'll keep my intro to this for now.
Gunnar: Hail
Wotan! I have been following the ways of Wotanism for all my adult
life. I am extremely volkish in my outlook and independant in my
ways. I have a firm belief in the actual existance of the Gods and
feel they inhabit our every thought and action. I am a strong supporter
of our folk and involve myself in many projects to further our heritage
into the future.
Kat: Hi! I'm 11 years old and have chosen Freya
as my patron Goddess. I have held two Blot to her in the last year.
I'm to young for internet access but hope to be on line someday.
and Articles by Kindred Members
of Heimdall (Steve) Me with my Pyr Thor
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