Is Asatru just a bunch of Viking
wannabees who want to play with swords?
No, although that may be the case with a few ;). For the majority
it is a far deeper and spiritual way of life. There is little doubt
that the religion is martial in nature but, as in all things, this is only
a part of the whole. I tend toward the berserk in nature but know
many who are just the opposite. Asatru is a full tribal religion
in that all parts of the whole are acknowledged as important and honored
for their place in the faith. It takes many
years of research to become fluent in all the facets of the faith and it
is definitely not as simple as flashing a sword.
Isn't Folkish Asatru Racist? Absolutely
not! This is just a bunch of crap that is often spewed by those professional
socialists who resent anything with an iota of independence. Most
Folkish Asatruar have a high respect for all peoples and are unafraid to
acknowledge the differences in philosophy and beliefs. The mere fact
that we honor our heritage is enough for some to complain.
is a vast difference between honoring, and wishing to further, ones
ancestry and lore and wishing ill on other peoples. Sadly, the mere
fact of honoring your people is a no no for some these days. Below
is fairly easy explanation on my views of Race and Asatru from a post to
My beliefs on the ancestral part of our faith are fairly simple. IWhat is the difference between the camps of Asatru/Odinism? The main difference is that Folkish Asatru believes in the traditional honoring of ancestors and the values that helped preserve their society and allowed them to honor the Gods in a Tru way. Wiccatru (As I call it) seems to merely believe that Asatru is a goodie to blend in with a Wiccan do what you feel like attitude. The two camps are so far removed from one another that there is little in common. This is not to say that the other is bad, just that it can hardly be called asatru or Odinism by any reasonable definition.
believe that the faith is part of our past and future and that it is
unique to us as a people. Often you hear the question of whether one
would deny access to a black man, an Asian or, whomever. My answer is simply that I would deny access to no one but that I don't think true
access is there. Are the Aesir and the Vanir everyone's Gods and
Goddesses? Not in my opinion but I have no inclination to dictate this to
anyone or any group. Do I dislike other peoples or cultures? No, I'm
afraid not. Will I discuss the faith with all? Hel yes. Will I honor my
Gods with anyone who wishes? No, only those with whom I feel share my love for folk and faith and respect honor and the path of integrity before
the Gods. The idea that they have as firm a connection to the Gods as
myself is important to me.
The belief that ours is a faith bound to ancestry is termed Racism by some
and this is unfortunate and shallow. The denigration and abuse of other
peoples plays no part in my belief that our faith is passed down from a
long chain of ancestry. Asatru/Odinism is not a club to be joined or
dropped, it's a living faith that is older than many care to admit. It's
not as if one looks at a black man and says you can't join our club
because you're black, the question is whether the faith lives as a part of
your heritage and "soul", for lack of a better word. Only the individual
can answer this but my belief is that it is bound to our heritage in blood
and spirit.
I rarely post on this subject since my purpose in posting here is to learn
and impart what little knowledge I have. I don't have an inclination to
spread the faith out over Midgard and the best I hope for is that some of
our folk will return to what I feel is the Tru home of the free unburdened
ancestral spirit. Those I consider my folk are dear to me and I
understand that the same must be true to those of other ethnicity's and
cultures. Pride is pride, no matter what culture has it. To take pride
in ones unique culture and beliefs is to take pride in all life.
Fare with the Gods
AFA/AOR/Himinbjorg Kindred
Is Asatru for me?
If you feel yourself drawn or called to the
northern deities or feel a deep connection to your ancestors and their
beliefs, then Yes. The faith has a long history and tradition and
I would suggest contacting one of the links on my main page for more information.
I will be happy to discuss it with you myself and help direct you to contacts
Where is it discussed?
The Alt.Religion.Asatru news group is an open discussion area where
all facets of the faith are discussed (argued). Most groups also
have lists you can subscribe to and they will be happy to tell you about
them. The main advantage to the newsgoup is that you are free to
discuss as you like. Many of the lists, especially Wiccatru ones
, are censored by individuals so that your views may be unheard.
Don't let the jerks that inhabit all newsgroups to dissuade you from posting,
They are meaningless and just lurk there to insult people.
My own history in the faith
I have been involved in Asatru/Odinism for about 16 years. I first became interested after feeling lost in the Christian religion and drawn to a distant past I could feel deep inside me. This was solidified by a near fatal encounter (It was for a dear comrade) from which I took Heimdall as my patron. I was raised a Lutheran and still have a great respect for it, but, I didn't feel it offered what my soul had been searching for and felt a pull in another direction. I don't feel I chose Asatru/Odinism but that it chose me. Each of us has a deep rooted past through our ancestors and whether we know it or not it compels us in certain direction and certain states of being.
I have always, in the past, worshiped as a solitary being following
the paths shown me. It has only been recently that I have become
involved in an organized group who follow similar paths. My choices
were the Odinic Rite and the AFA. Both of these organizations put
forth the old and tru views relating to the Gods and our place within their
sphere. I can whole heartedly recommend both these groups as being
worthy of investigating. Both can be contacted using the links on
my main page. The Asatru Alliance is only for kindred's but
has many items of interest for sale through World Tree.
Each year (in the Yule season) I journey into the cascades to hold
personal Blot to Heimdall and the Aesir and Vanir. While this
Blot is
in honor of the Gods it is done in remembrance of a fallen comrade
my first awakening to the faith of my ancestors. From that
day forward
I have fought for the folk and faith without compromise to that
which I
feel dishonors or threatens them. In this ceremony I strive
to keep a
firm touch with those who have gone before and that which they have
added to an ever building chain of strength. If we allow our
Folk, or Families strivings before the Gods to be forgotten we lose
mounting fragments of ourselves and succumb to the fate of many
After climbing to the spot of my Blot I unpack the small goods I
brought with me to perform the ceremony. I have my personal
Hammer (a silver dragons headed hammer), My birch for my runes (I
this from a tree in my yard dedicated to the Gods), A dagger
to he who I remember at this blot), a flask of mead, and some
flint and
oak cuts for the fire. I lay all this out on the earth and
cut a patch
in the ground for the fire. After a short time of concentration
mental preparation I perform the ceremony as follows. (The Blot
unwritten so this is an essence only rendition).
While facing a stone marker inscribed with the Elhaz Rune I raise
hammer and recite:
Hail Heimdall, Guardian of the path of the Gods. I stand before
you as
one with our folk in blood and bone. I have striven for the
demanded of me and have not faltered in duty or deed. Nothing
forgotten and more imparted each turning. Through deed only
may be
honor gained, through honor only may a deed be judged. Though
abound I stray not from the path and associate not with those of
dishonor. Your example of protection and unceasing watch flow
within me
as the blood of our folk. For the awakening of the past to
the watch of
the future I thank you. As the wheel turns a new cycle I look
to the
new year with hope of an ever widening enlightenment of our folk.
(at this point I inscribe a piece of birch with the Elhaz Rune, place
the wood in a small pile and strike a small fire)
By blood I bind this rune to you Heimdall, by blood and fire I return
it's essence to the Gods from whence it sprang. ( I take the dagger
draw blood to the rune and place it in the fire). Hail Odin,
your sacrifice the folk have gained the knowledge of the runes.
those before have done, I offer thanks and pledge to honor the purpose
and heritage of the Runes. Let none but the folk touch the
blooded rune
as fire consumes all but essence untouchable by mortal flesh.
As one
who went before has done, I pledge to battle in honor for our own
regardless of cost or loss. Through shadow falls light and
paths form
ever clearer amongst webs of deceit. Your enemies are mine
as mine are
yours. Through honor we battle through blood we triumph.
(At this point I often blood a partial set of runes for a questing
this varies greatly so will be omitted.)
Hail *****, through your actions I found my path, though you have
to Valhalla your presence and spirit remains strong on midgard and
within myself. Our folk require strength, valor, and honor.
sacrifice embodies them all and sets an example for future actions.
Fare with the gods in eternal preparation for the coming battles!
(I now take out the mead and prepare myself for silent seeking of
Gods through my mind and body. I will sit silently with hammer
and mead
in hand for up to an hour.)
Hail Odin!, Heimdall!, Thor!, Tyr!, All the Aesir and the Vanir.
our folk the knowledge to flow through the web of indignity present
Midgard. As we strive for our future we remember our past.
examples of the past are brought forth anew and we fight to bring
renewal of the old to displace the usurper God. Pride and
honor will
once again spring forth, white as the fangs of the wolf and strong
the arm of Thor! I pass now from this sacred place but not
from the
sight of my Gods or Folk.
(I now drink from the mead and pour onto the fire and onto the earth.)
AOR/AFA/Himinbjorg Hearth
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