Grophle Guizenmman - 03/22/99 00:07:49
Ich besuchte Geocites und oben auf Ihnen homepage irgendwie beendet. Wieviel Zeit haben Sie in Ihrem Internet-Aufstellungsort investiert? Ich hoffe, meine Selbst zu haben bald.
Johan Enström - 02/17/99 17:45:44 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I love it. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Lover | Comments: |
Burvil Chang - 12/08/98 23:08:26 My URL:/Athens/Forum/6755 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Neat collection of stories, etc. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Lover | Comments: Great collection of stories, poems, etc. We have a similar one at In Him, Burvil Chang Chinese Community Church |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Cool page Thanks for letting me sign your guestbook
Cindy - 09/25/98 12:11:32 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Tom Smith - 09/01/98 00:52:58 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: i think your page was more amusing than i expected Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I will usually fight them, then make loving gestures towards thier dead bodys. | Comments: Andy, Nice job on the page, man!!!! I will see you next summer. |
Alexandra - 08/16/98 23:37:57 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: great Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: both | Comments: lovely page! you have some really interesting quotes. |
Sharon Gresens - 08/13/98 18:10:46 My URL: and My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I really liked the poetry!!!!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Definitely a lover!! | Comments: Hello, I have to say that I truly enjoyed your poetry!! I will be back to see the pictures when the consturction is finished!:) Sharon |
Mark Lewis - 07/09/98 15:50:57 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I like the page. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'm an existing human | Comments: I like your quotes, but I will not enter them in my journal because there are no names attached to who made the quote. |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
April - 05/29/98 21:46:37 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Very good. I really enjoyed it. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Don't know haven't thought about it. | Comments: I really enjoyed your page and got a lot out of the poems that you have here. Thank you for taking the time to put a wonderful web page on the computer. There are a lot of good things that were said in the poems that I feel are said so much better throu h poetry then through words. Again thank you for taking the time to put this wonderful web page up. God bless you. |
Lor - 05/22/98 02:21:44 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: like it Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: you tell me! | Comments: Still waiting to see those pictures! |
Jessica Joseph - 01/30/98 14:28:49 My Email:I will send it to you in 1 week! What Do You Think Of My Page?: It is Awesome! Great Job!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I have never really contemplated the question, but I assure you I will get back to you on that one! | Comments: HEY, What's goin' on? Haven't seen you in awhile. Is college life treating you kindly? The poems on this page are awesome! Well, Until next time! Love & Prayers, Jessica Joseph |
Robin - 01/08/98 03:46:35 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Really nice! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both I guess~ | Comments: Hi Andy, I enjoyed my stay! |
Andrew Hunn - 01/04/98 18:55:21 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Really nice! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Definitely a LOVER! | Comments: Merrill, What's up? You've been pestering me to visit your Web site for awhile now and I finally got the chance. I'm over here at Jeremy Leiter's apartment and if he didn't have it bookmarked, I would never have visited. You have got a spelling mistake on you home page, though ("be" should be changed to "me"). I thought that you would've known better. Well, I've gotta jet. Places to go, people to see, women to pick up. You know what a rough life I lead. Well, take it easy and I'm looking forward to seeing you at camp this summer. Peace and Prayers, Andy (Quicky) |
The Old One - 01/02/98 23:07:16 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It's really good. Keep it up. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both, but probably more of a fighter. | Comments: I like this page, it's set up nice. I might add it to a list of links for peotry sites on my page. |
Jennifer - 12/18/97 16:15:14 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I love your page Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Well....depends on my mood, i can be both! | Comments: I love your page Andy! |
Mandy Helman - 12/15/97 19:41:45 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I really like the background, but I haven't really read anything yet. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: lover | Comments: I came to get the UCF stuff. Thanks so much Andy. Good Luck. Love, Mandy |
Sara - 11/30/97 02:19:33 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Really Cool | Comments: I love your page! I especially like the Dr. Seuss Poem. Its really cute. Hope you can find to visit my site, Pisces Underwater. Its a poetry plus page with alot of great poetry stories and artwork by various way cool people who have submitted there stuff. |
Brian - 11/27/97 06:47:16 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: very nice Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'm a lover not a fighter | Comments: I especially liked the Y.O.D.A. pretty good |
Suebie - 11/25/97 22:09:13 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I love it! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: hmmm a lover | Comments: Fantastic work, the poetry is beautiful, isnt love grand? :) |
Glenn Blakc - 11/20/97 17:58:36 What Do You Think Of My Page?: Lovely Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: It depends on the recipient of the action! | Comments: |
Jeremy Leiter - 11/15/97 19:40:35 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Cool! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Whatever the situation calls for!!! | Comments: |
J.R. Jamison - 11/06/97 18:04:25 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It makes me horny!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Well, It depends on who you ask..... | Comments: Andy-Hey, Your sight is still far out! I have not heard from you in awhile, are you still alive. Oh yeah, stop sending me dumb chain letters, I got so many that it screwed up my account, so i had to get it fixed!! Well see ya later! J.R. |
lauren - 11/06/97 00:37:02 My URL:/SoHo/Studios/7657 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: not bad Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: neither | Comments: I thought your poetry was very interesting. I hope you'll visit my homepage too. |
lauren - 11/06/97 00:37:00 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: not bad Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: neither | Comments: I thought your poetry was very interesting. I hope you'll visit my homepage too. |
Lyn - 10/28/97 04:02:47 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Superb Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: A lover but of course:) | Comments: Hi! Saw your geocities banner and just had to see what all those question marks were..very clever:)...Super page! Take Care:) |
jenni - 10/23/97 00:09:59 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: OUTSTANDING!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: LOVER!!!!! and maybe a little fighter! | Comments: great page! loved the poetry. keep up the good work! jenni |
Pam Collins - 10/22/97 15:19:35 My Email:pcollins@cowan.cnz What Do You Think Of My Page?: Great Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Fighter | Comments: Hope things are going well. How are your classes going? We won the BSU Homecoming parade beating out Muncie Southside, Wapahani, Elwood and Muncie Central. Are we excited or what. Take care, hope to see you soon. pjc |
Rachel Micel - 10/21/97 18:32:48 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I love the back ground and the quotes. Very Original. Two thumbs Up!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Personally, it depends on the mood I'm in, but truthfully, I'm a Lover. | Comments: I really like your home page, and I love the quotes, especially the ones about friendship. Thanks for giving me your home page address. SeeYa, Rachel Micel |
Cowan Chemisrty Class - 10/20/97 19:11:47 What Do You Think Of My Page?: We didn't get to really look, but what we saw was good. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: lover | Comments: |
Twinkle VanFleet - 10/14/97 23:55:38 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Like It! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: "To know him- Is to love him! :) | Comments: Your site contains some awesome poetry! The authors should be proud. Best Wishes- Twinkle VanFleet Golden Rainbow Creations |
Brooke Watson - 10/14/97 01:12:35 What Do You Think Of My Page?: It's Beautiful!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Lover!!!! | Comments: Andy-your page is so awesome! Especially J.R. Jamison's poem "Running Back to You"! I think that everyone should read it!!! I want my picture put on your page! After all, we were good friends in high school!!! |
J.R. Jamison(YOTE-ER) - 10/10/97 17:42:45 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It makes me think nasty thoughts!!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: It depends on how much i get paid!!! | Comments: Andy-I can't wait! You are finally coming home tonight!!! We all have not seen you for so long! If anyone ever checks out Andys poetry, try reading the last poem on the page called "Running Back to You". I wrote this, but no one has seemed to tell me hat they think about it! Catch ya all later! Later YO'S!!! J.R. Jamison |
Terri - 10/10/97 04:17:57 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: 10/10 Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both(I'm interesting) | Comments: Great page mate.. I think you should call it what you are the happiest with yourself. As you can see I am answering your email, thanks for your pages URL.. Please sign my book too. Cheers for now. Terri |
Digression - 10/10/97 01:20:51 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I liked it! It's so positive. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: fighter with a big heart ? | Comments: I enjoyed the poetry. You visited my page the other day. I wanted to return your visit and I am glad that I did. |
Rob Leslie - 10/10/97 01:05:21 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Good Page. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: both | Comments: Liked your original poetry, the friendship quotes, the free stuff, etc. |
Kalihanna - 10/09/97 21:59:35 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Liked your page Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both | Comments: I really liked your page, especially the poetry. |
emily - 10/08/97 21:44:46 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: ok Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: i'm a fig newton | Comments: your poems are more like obvious sentences. try some metaphors or imagery. you may be more suited to journal-writing or essays. |
Jana - 10/07/97 19:02:06 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I love that background!!!! | Comments: Nichole says to change the dedication! **grin** |
Sarah Whitehead - 10/07/97 17:42:59 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Great! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both | Comments: Great page, Andy. I like the name unbroken meditation...or maybe, broken meditation.... |
Owl in the Oak Thorn - 10/06/97 22:29:45 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Not bad, you should put up some information on yourself though. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: A Loving Fighter. | Comments: Not bad, I likes what I see, I didn't get through all the poems, but I've bookmarked you so I'll be sure to drop by and finish one of these days. Check out my poetry page, if you see anything you like by me you can take it just provide credit, email any o her authors to check out there stuff. Mind if I supply you with a few interesting quotes? Oak Thorn ![]() |
MoonKnight - 10/05/97 13:04:00 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Refreshing!1 Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I am Both! | Comments: Love the quotes and the poems... and I got a good laugh on the Y.o.d.a. song..hahaha. Later! |
Joe's mom (lead singer of The Insyderz) - 10/04/97 01:06:51 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: COOL! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'M A MOTHER, SO, MAYBE A LITTLE OF BOTH | Comments: HI ANDY, JUST STOPPED BY TO SAY "HI" FROM THE INSYDERZ AND ME, JOE'S MOM. BY THE WAY, LUCAS SENT ME. GOD BLESS AND STAY IN HIS WORD |
Kaite - 10/03/97 22:53:39 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Your web page is great. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'm your sister does it matter? | Comments: Wow! After all the time you spent on this page before you put it out. I think it turned out great. |
mosberg - 10/03/97 16:42:44 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: the background is absolutely wonderful & so are many of the poems and quotes Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: ???? both I think | Comments: The poem "When I say I'm a Christian" is especially great. |
Antoinette - 10/03/97 05:28:31 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Tres tres bien!!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I am a lover *wink* | Comments: Hello! Loved your page!!! Especially the poetry grin* See you then! |
Lisanne - 10/03/97 04:37:10 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Very soothing page... Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Yes. *wink* | Comments: What a very calming homepage. Thank you....I certainly enjoyed my visit. ~smile~ A suggestion for the name of your hompage? How about.... Enhancements... |
Fialyn Irivan - 10/03/97 02:01:45 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: good start! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: neither, actually | Comments: I'm really glad someone's visiting my site... |
Bob Flannery - 10/02/97 03:43:23 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Overall, ****, four stars! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'm a mathematician. | Comments:![]() |
rhonda - 10/02/97 01:15:17 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: love it of course Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: giggles depends on who im with | Comments: love ur page guy some really cool stuff.... and very good potential names too. thanks for the mail, i cant wait to come back and see whats new :) |
{}i{}Laura{}i{}~{}i{}The butterfly goddess:-Þ~{}i{} - 10/01/97 21:10:46 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: {}i{} Your page is amazing and i love "Life".It's beautiful {}i{} Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: {}I{} Lover of course {}i{} | Comments: "I don't know anybody who's willing to cut God up a cantaloupe and say,'Hey, sit down, put your feet up, you need some advice.' You have to have a bit of confidence to do that. You have to stop a minute and say 'I'm not buying this trip that humans aren t worthy of talking to the gods.'~Tori Amos (the supreme goddess) Life is a meaningless tale told by an idiot. --Shakespeare (Macbeth) |
janny - 10/01/97 18:25:59 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I reaally enjoyed your site...the poetry is wonderful. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I am both:::we all must be. | Comments: Thank you for checking out my site...I did so enjoy yours and will come back again. Stop by mine now and again if you enjoyed it:::i change and add often..Angels hug ya....Janny |
J.R. Jamison - 10/01/97 17:47:10 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: hydromatic Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'm both, but there are some i would love to fight, and some i would fight to love them!! | Comments: Andy-Good page! Thanks for posting my poem! Andy's fans, check out my poem "Running Back to You" and e-mail me to tell me what you think! Whoever wrote "And my heartbeat stopped", that was an excellent poem. I like it a lot!! Later YO'S! |
Majjic - 10/01/97 17:46:36 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It rocks Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Neither | Comments: Hey there! I checked out your page, and this is me, signing the guestbook! *g* I really like it alot, especially that poem, I Dreamt I Stood In Calvary, or however it went *g* Ya mind if I link to hear mebbe? U seen my page so U know if U'd care if a link wuz there *g* Great page and I'll C ya later! TTFN! |
E. René R. Fernandez - 10/01/97 16:15:57 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Interesting, fun Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both. | Comments: Hello, Andy... Thanks for visiting my page and introducing me to yours. Your poem "Life" is great, and the quotes are fun. I'll be returning from time to time. René |
Heidi Furr - 10/01/97 16:01:25 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I absolute LOVE the poetry, you have a lot of potential to go places with your compositions! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Love is an inner conflict with ourselves that often brings out the need to fight our emotions. | Comments: hmmm... |
LightNasr - 10/01/97 02:04:30 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Love the quotes! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Gotta be the lover, where else does poetry come from? :) | Comments: Returning the visit for starters... But really, I'm glad I came here and checked out your page. I really did like the quotes, especially the ones about friendship! It's also a comfort to know that there are still a few others in this world of ours that have time for such thoughts. Congrats! |
Delora - 09/30/97 23:57:21 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Beautiful :) Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Lover except for when dealing w/ siblings. | Comments: Thanks for your comments in regards to my page. Just wanted to return the favor :) Excellent design and I loved your various quotes and selections of poetry. :::making note to come back when on a puter w/ a printer::: |
Sammi - 09/30/97 17:05:25 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I like it!!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Definitely a LOVER!!! | Comments: I really like your page.....You really need some picutes though :) Be sure to let me know when you get some pics so I can come back and look at them :) Have a great day and SMILE!!! |
J.R. Jamison - 09/29/97 21:44:35 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Orgasmic Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I don't have to fight to be loved!!!! | Comments: Andy-Your page once again is very awesome! I can't believe how many people have visited it! To all of Andy's fans--check out my poetry when he posts it. It is called "Running Back to You", and "My Dearest MOMMIE" Once he post them, e-mail me and tell e what you think!! Later YO's!!! |
Lucas Reese - 09/29/97 21:39:41 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It is really cool!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I fight to be loved!! | Comments: This page is the best page on the internet! It will probably win some kind of an award! Especially with that quote from some cool guy named Lucas!!! |
Random (Black Jack Roman) - 09/29/97 12:30:43 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: What do I think? Great! :-) Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Can I be both? | Comments: Nice nice NICE page you have here!! |
Joe54 - 09/29/97 05:35:12 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Nice page Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Lover | Comments: Cool poems. Really liked your page. Check out mine sometime. |
Brenda J - 09/29/97 05:30:05 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Loved it Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Both | Comments: Nice page. Loved the poetry. Stop by mine & say "Hi". (P.S. I like "Unbroken Meditation") |
Poetic Creep - 09/29/97 02:19:02 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: You know | Comments: Hello..I'm sorry. I just realized my mistake. Ignore my last entry into your guestbook, that was meant for someone else..I had somehow went to your page by accident.. |
Carrie - 09/27/97 06:12:08 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Bravo!!! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: hmmm... depends? | Comments: Well, you checked out my page so I checked out yours... and I'm glad I did. I agree... the poem "Life" was excellent (and you also included one of my all time faves, "Hug-o-War" |
Ruth Nott - 09/27/97 00:00:57 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Neat! Loved the quotes and poems Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Love is all there is. | Comments: Thanks for visiting my home page Andy, and for the nice comments. I have a poem you might like...just wrote it this week. Loved the poem "Life"!!! I think you're going to have to choose your own title for your home page. Only you know what you really ant it to be and what you want other people to think of your work. Good luck! P.S. Write any time...I enjoy making new friends! |
froggirl - 09/26/97 22:46:17 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: How Purty Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Can't I be both? | Comments: You have a very nice page. I think it's odd how we parallel on certain things with our pages (i.e. the quotes page and the poetry) Keep up the good work! |
Justin Gannon - 09/26/97 19:00:08 My URL:http://eat/ My What Do You Think Of My Page?: You've been busy. So this is what you do when you're in the lab for 10 hours a day. Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Don Juan is my middle name. | Comments: When are you going to run around naked with the rest of us in WIIISE? |
Phoneix - 09/26/97 03:35:48 My URL: My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Great work! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: A committed lover, but a fighter if the need should arise | Comments: thank you for dropping by my site, and i really appreciated the input. you have some great stuff here, and i especially enjoyed those kind of thing! keep up the good work, and i will definitly stop by again, soon. |
Nichole Caughell - 09/24/97 15:51:29 What Do You Think Of My Page?: You are too cute Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: What do you think? | Comments: I like you I really haven't gotten a chance to really look it over, but I wanted to tell you that I actually got here! See ya here again soon. |
MaNell Gregg - 09/24/97 02:55:43 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: you rock, you hottie! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: You know the answer to that question. Do you remember our wonderful night of Love? By the way, who the hell is Nicole? | Comments: |
Beth Kear - 09/24/97 02:40:43 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It is so you! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Preferably a lover, but I will always take on a good fight. | Comments: My quote: If you ever want to see a rainbow, you have gotta withstand a little rain. Andy, how come I didn't have a web page dedicated to me, huh? Just kidding, love ya lots. |
J.R. Jamison - 09/23/97 20:05:48 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: Groovical Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: a little bit of both | Comments: Andy-you need to write me a real message soon. Please don't send me anymore chain letters cause i can get into big trouble here. Check ya later YO! J.R. |
Lucas Reese - 09/23/97 03:09:11 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: It rules, especially that quote by Shakespeare and that cool guy named Lucas! Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: Lover | Comments: This page rules! Yes I am the Lucas under the quote "To Thine Own Self Be True". |
Human Boy - 09/23/97 02:56:55 My What Do You Think Of My Page?: I think it's pretty cool Are You A Lover Or A Fighter?: I'm a lover but never refuse a good fight | Comments: yesterday is not tomorrow's future |