Victor Danilchenko

I am Victor Danilchenko, a grad student at UMass/Amherst. I am Ukrainian, married, and a proud father of a baby boy named Andrei Marciano.

I study Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence), but I take a great interest in philosophy, especially logic and metaphysics (I almost chose to be a philosophy major instead of CS -- and I still may, eventually, get a pH in philosophy in addition to CS). I am 23, and I have considered myself a pantheist for the last 8 years; for the last two, I have also considered myself an atheist.

I am active on Usenet in alt.atheism; if any of you read it, you would know me as "MindFlayer". There, I have contributed (besides the usual participation in our local unceasing flamewars) a few arguments on epistemology and rationality.

Also, I dabble in prose and/or poetry a little... ever once in a while... some of it is quite dark, and some is not.

You can find my writings, at .

I left Ukraine when I was 16; by that time, I had been actively (almost every weekend) and competitively hiking for 8 years, and competing in sport orientation for 4. I am not sure whether I am a pantheist due to that, or if I ended up sticking with hiking because of my natural (no pun intended) inclinations... nor do I think that it matters any longer.

Anyway, I generally try to balance logic with aesthetics, although it may often seem otherwise, as I consider my aesthetic side a rather private one -- people all too often consider me an archetypal pure scientist because of that...

My homepage is at , and it contains more info about me, both personally and professionally.
