Sue Williams

My name is Sue Williams. I live in Cape Town, S Africa, though I was raised in Mombasa, Kenya and "educated" in England.

I have been up and down many "spiritual" paths, from Christianity to Hinduism, from Shamanism to Zen Buddhism......where I loitered longest. Then I realised I was in danger of becoming a spiritual shopper, drifitng from one new product to the next..always hoping for the instant fix.....and sort of went inside myself for a bit. I began to realise that I didn't really have to "get" anywhere, or "be" anything, other than myself, with whom I was sort of stuck, anyway. But I still felt the need to find a philosophy, or a group of people, to whom I could relate on a fundemental level. I began to read up on paganism, neo-paganism, and earth-related philosophies like these. All of them offered something valuable, but still I was left with a feeling of "almost but not quite..."

I wanted to find people who would understand that sometimes, when I sit at night, alone, in a deep wood....and smell the wetness of the fallen leaves...the damp bark of the trees, hear the rustles of wood creatures all around, and dig my fingers into the moist, dark earth....understand that when I have inner being seems to rest if this experience is all that matters......all the rest is "words".

Paul Harrison, finding me stumbling around the interent, looking for a site about Pan, (god of the woods and animals, -that Pan) suggested I have a look at Scientific Pantheism, and join their mailing list. I did, and ........"Ah! So!" HERE were the people who would understand. People who are free and happy to be themselves, care about the planet and its inhabitants, believe in the interconectedness of all things, the common thread of divinity sparking through all things, who can laugh at themselves, take each other seriously and like to ask questions. A happy clan! They have made me feel at home.
