Ratan K Mohapatra

About Me (for more check my home page):

I'm a grad. student in Earth Sc. (my interest - Nitrogen and noble gas isotopes in Earth's mantle). I'm 28 years old. Besides paintings and designing, listening to music, I enjoy playing cricket. I like to explore Life for myself and do things the my own way. Though from a conservative Hindu family, I hardly visit a temple or worship! But I believe in Bhagavat Geeta as it guides me for living my life. Afraid, I know little about any religion, but I believe their aim is the same- to help you to live your life.

My notion of Life and why I liked Sc. Pantheism:

For me Life is exploring the things around you. Since you're an individual with a brain (mind) that is able to think, you must find out answers to all the how's, why's, `what's, when's, and where's that you come across. So you must live your life and find out the answers. You must have respect for every little thing around you - coz everything is useful.

Survival of the fittest

I found many of my thoughts similar to the concepts of Sc. Pantheism in Paul's web-page, Since I didn't have the slightest knowledge of Sci. Pan., it was nice see that there're people who also think like me. I even painted the word "Sc. Pantheism" on one of my T-shirts, which earned dozens of queries here! Well it's nice to tell about it to people here.

I enjoy being in the Sc. Pan. list as many of the discussions are often useful in refining my thoughts, though I confess that because of my work (which involves experiments and reading a lot) I cannot always take part in them.

Ratan Mohapatra (Mr.)
Fax : (91) 79 6560502
E-mail: ratan@prl.ernet.in
