SeatOat - 06/26/00 22:57:50
Religion: SciPan
Hello Karen Tinkham,
I would like to comment on your feelings of disappointment concerning "recruiting" scientific pantheists. As young as this movement is, I spread the information leading to it, not because I want to recruit any christians or other denominations into it, heavens no! Rather to inform the public and to make aware, and available, a choice. So many have come to the site and commented on " ...always having had these feelings or beliefs, and never having a name for it." SciPan teaches tolerance for all race, religion, and preference within the boundries of self harm. For me, it focus' on what we all should be more concerned about. The Earth.
So IMO, at most, we are extending an arm and a friendly wave to say, hey, here we are, let's be heard.
Peace to you and Yours,
Sea Oat
Karen Tinkham - 04/20/00 12:10:05
Religion: atheist
I found your site informative and thought provoking. The one thing I learned about Pantheism that I dislike, and that I've never liked about Christianity, is the desire to spread it. If people are seeking knowledge and you enlighten them, great. But to re
er to this ideology as a "movement" and have a page of how to help spread the word is upsetting. If an individual identifies with what Pantheism is, let him/her make a personal connection with that belief system. In my opinion, recruiting has no place her
. But, I am glad the website at least opened my eyes that this occurs in other ideologies than traditional religions. Keep up the good work on a very informative site!
danny williams - 01/08/00 23:43:11
Religion: Unitarian/ Universalist
I enjoyed your website and Ive read paul harrison's book. When are coming out with one? I'll read it too. i find much overlap with deism and paganism...maybe the catagories are too descrete. I do hope that these ideas catch on in the near woul
do our world much good. Thanks and keep up the good work!
nadia bedricky - 09/26/99 18:30:41
i found this very interesting. i have always been reading about wicca and pagathiest. i would like to learn more hopufully in the future so i can always prarctice wicca.
paul johnson - 09/22/99 10:45:31
Religion: sci-pan
makes perfect sense
Dan Winsor - 03/05/99 21:25:06
My URL:/Athens/Rhodes/8274/
Religion: Aetheist/Scientific Pantheist
Nice page. I'd like to chat with you and Mr. Harrison sometime.
Suzy Turek - 12/30/98 19:15:52
Religion: non-practicing Presbyterian
I've just recently begun actively pursuing pantheism as a foundation for my life. I have enjoyed all of the informative web sites including this one and hope to become more involved as the SP movement progresses!
10/26/98 13:16:52
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Cindy - 09/25/98 12:11:07 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Robb Miller - 02/23/98 03:16:35
Religion: Pantheistic