Hi I'm Phillip Mahnken, lecturer in Indonesian language at the Sunshine Coast University College in Queensland, Australia. I signed up with GeoCities on 18 August 1997. I am actually and forever a Tasmanian, only having moved to Queensland in January 1997. My interests are in foreign language teaching especially through the use of computers. Thanks to GeoCities I am able to use some forms on my Indonesian language website (simple tests for beginners, also a few experimental pages using web forms.
[kuis] and [kuis2].   Latihan menulis   Isilah formulir biodata   Kuis Rumah

I mounted a partial mirror of my Indonesian website from the Sunshine Coast University College here at GeoCities for a conference demo in October 1997 . The full website my students use is on an Intranet accessible by enrolled Indonesian students at SCUC. I appreciate any comments or dialogue from other online language teachers or students of CALL. Email: pmahnken@scuc.edu.au.

Join in our Indonesian language Learners webchat. Type-talk in Indonesian with fellow students from all over Australia.

You can also have a look at the Sunshine Coast University College Home Page if you like. The newest university in Australia and it has large kangaroos and wild ducks on campus, I kid thee not.

Computer Assisted/Technology Enhanced Language Learning/ online/open learning language people should all know about the forthcoming WorldCALL Conference being hosted at Melbourne University 13 - 17 July 1998. Full details on their website.

I think you'll find my list of Indonesia and Indonesian related links is quite helpful, varies from amateur to academic, and leads to other great springboards too. May take a minute or three to load because of its lovely graphics. Turn off images if you're impatient.

Indonesianists might like a look at the WACANA Journal which has been sadly stalled since my move to the Sunshine Coast. Must get back to it soon. Help with the management and reviews always welcome.

Like to view my Indonesian language homepage with "riwayat hidup yang mendebarkan hati" and links?

Salam kompak selalu pada teman baik saya di Padang, Sumatra Barat, pendidik yang serba berbakat Pak Jurlismen Radjab (he has a growing page of Indonesian language resources) dan budayawan ternama Pak Harris Effendi Thahar. Salam juga pada teman-teman di Tasmania dan rekan-rekan di bidang pengajaran bahasa Indonesia di mana-mana.

A couple of years ago
when I set up the Humanities
WebSite in Tasmania
image.   Orangnya rada jelek.
Tamu sejak 3 December 1997

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